Jurassic World Movies

Zach and Gray find a break in the perimeter fence during this Jurassic World TV spot!

Scified2015-05-24 10:05:03https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/455476956286701.png
Written by Chris2,321 Reads0 Comments2015-05-24 10:05:03

In this new Jurassic World TV spot, Zach (Nick Robinson) and Gray (Ty Simpkins) discover an open portion of the Jurassic World permieter fence. From the screenshot above, we know the fencing is located in zone 5 and that the door which has been left open has a red "Restricted Area" warning fixed to the side, which seems to be out of view of the two boys. Zach suggests they go "off-roading" and take the Gyrosphere through the open gate, into the restricted area - which is home to wild Dinosaurs, not monitored by the Jurassic World security forces as heavily as their caged counterparts. 

The question here is - why is the gate open? The last we see of Zach and Gray in the Gyrosphere, they're on the open planes admiring the adult Herbivores. From this, we can assume that the gate is part of the adult Herbivore enclosure. But again, why is the gate open? Is one of the characters a modern-day Nedry, bent on destroying the new park's reputation by hoping someone does what the two boys do, and venture off into the wild and get eaten? Or is this a result of the Indominus Rex breaking free from her paddock, and smashing through the fence, leaving the door open? If so - why is there no visual damage to the fence? This is one of the more puzzling cut-scenes we've seen, with no solid explanation. Watch the new TV spot below and let us know your theories in the comments section!

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