JP3 Spinosaurus vs. JWD Giganotosaurus: Which Dinosaur Wins?

AdminIndoraptorNov-24-2021 7:22 AMHaving seen the prologue sequence for Jurassic World Dominion, we witnessed our T-Rex fall prey to a larger Carnivore, the Giganotosaurus in a very similar fashion to how the Bull Rex from Jurassic Park 3 met his demise at the jaws and claws of Spinosaurus.
This topic will debate Giganotosaurus and Spinosaurus within the realm of Jurassic Park / World canon and lore.
Both Spinosaurus and Giganotosaurus were massive predatory Dinosaurs. But if the JP3 Spinosaurus and the Jurassic World Dominiom Prologue Giganotosaurus ever crossed paths and decided to fight to the death, who do you think would win? Let's compare stats:
Spinosaurus (JP3)
Length: ~40 feet. Bite Force: 4,200 lbs.
Giganotosaurus (JWD)
Length: 43 feet. Bite Force: 8,000 lbs.
Given that the Giganotosaurus has nearly double the Bite Force as Spinosaurus and is physically larger, it would stand to reason that Spinosaurus wouldn't stand much of a chance against this Cretaceous Titan. However, Spinosaurus was seen to use its long arms and claws more effectively in Jurassic Park 3 than we saw Giganotosaurus use in the JWD Prologue footage. Could Spinosaurus have been more intelligent?
Let us know who you think would win and why, below!

MemberAllosaurusNov-24-2021 10:11 AMI say spinosaurus, because it’s a hybrid.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberBrachiosaurusNov-24-2021 10:45 AMI feel like the Giga would have an advantage. It did kill the Rex faster than the Spino did...

MemberAllosaurusNov-24-2021 10:54 AMI have faith in Blind Bias
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberBrachiosaurusNov-24-2021 11:47 AMWe'll have to wait for Frontier to add the Dominion Giga to Jurassic World: Evolution 2, then we'll be able to see who wins. :)

MemberAllosaurusNov-24-2021 2:18 PMI distrust JWE cause they made T. rex beat Spinosaurus even when Spino beat a strong T. rex in JP3 lol
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberAllosaurusNov-26-2021 5:50 PMHinikunaGoji
I thought the Rex in JP-III was a sub-adult

MemberAllosaurusNov-26-2021 9:18 PMI haven’t found anything on that..
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberBrachiosaurusDec-07-2021 10:04 AMspinosaurus: the longest land carnivore of all time
jp3 spinosaurus: is shorter than giganotasaurus.
ad that to the list of things i hate about the jp3 spino.

MemberBrachiosaurusDec-07-2021 10:11 AMalso, ironicly, the giganotasaurus looks more like a hybrid dino the the spino, wich is one.

Cool Godzilla
MemberAllosaurusJul-25-2022 11:29 PMwait a minute, I made a topic 80% exactly like this one. I didn't know about this topic! And yea Giganotosaurus hands down, Spinosaurus's more fragile jaw wouldn't be able to penetrate Giganotosaurus's robust flesh that much.

MemberAllosaurusAug-16-2022 7:01 AMSomeone needs to break the tie!

Cool Godzilla
MemberAllosaurusAug-16-2022 11:24 PMWelp, tie broken for now.

MemberTriceratopsAug-28-2022 8:35 AMAll of this info is completely WRONG, EVERYON HERE SHOULD EDUCATE THEMSELVES FOR GOOD.
Spinosaurus was not a hybrid Djdndnejwnwn,monsterzero9
monsterzero9 Spinosaurus is longer,not sure where Chris got his info from.
Also Chris used realistic estimates for the bite force.
And spinosaurus was not a hybrid it was an illegaly cloned Dinosaur used in the AMALGAM TESTING.
Educate yourselves, people!

MemberTriceratopsAug-28-2022 8:36 AMAlso this topic is botted with views

Spined G0ji
MemberCompsognathusNov-14-2022 12:21 AMSpinosaurus wins with extreme difficulty tho but if takes place in an area with some buildings like in dominion it's a 50/50 since in dominion we saw giga used them as an advantage but spinosaurus also got durability and long arms for defence and also great reflexes and reaction time, also the giga in the prologue is different from biosyn giga keep that in mind, but if it was prologue giga then giga would win low difficulty
Also the Spinosaurus isn't a hybrid for God sake I see everyone saying that

Spined G0ji
MemberCompsognathusNov-14-2022 12:28 AMAlso no it's a tie again giga ain't the winner same in a fight

Cool Godzilla
MemberAllosaurusNov-14-2022 10:06 PMXenotaris Why would you think he is Kamoebas? It doesn't make any sense.

Cool Godzilla
MemberAllosaurusNov-14-2022 10:08 PMSpined G0ji I think Giga would win though, judging by his bite force and size.

Cool Godzilla
MemberAllosaurusNov-14-2022 10:08 PMXenotaris But if that was really Kamoebas, Respect +5000.

Cool Godzilla
MemberAllosaurusNov-17-2022 6:39 PMWelp, tie broken...again.

Cool Godzilla
MemberAllosaurusNov-19-2022 2:51 AMAnother vote for Giga

MemberAllosaurusDec-03-2022 1:54 AMGIGA IS THE WINNER!!! **Party Noises**

Cool Godzilla
MemberAllosaurusDec-03-2022 11:27 PMXenotaris Imagine 20 years later, and this topic still has no clear winner. LoL

MemberAllosaurusDec-06-2022 3:19 PMCool Godzilla
That would be sad, lol

MemberCompsognathusJul-16-2023 10:54 AMPeople underestimate the spino.
Size: Since this is jp3 spino, who is a sub adult, size goes to the giga. Being 1 to 2 tons heavier
Strength: despite being larger, strength is close between these titans. Both were able to take on two large rexes. Giga was strong enough to lift rexy and shoulder her into a wall as well as ram her aside. Spino was able to pull an 8 ton bull rex and then throw it to the ground. Its arms are clearly strong enough to roll around most of an airplane to. The giga has better brute force but the spinos strength for its size makes this equal
Durability: rexy never was able to land a good bite on the giga, but its nose was still unmarked from the bite she DID land. Spinos thick hide was able to soak a continuous bite to the neck by a bull rex, with only a few small cuts visible. Despite gigas greater bite force, its safe to say spino can take a bite and shrug it off
This is a close fight, id say 50/50