Jurassic World Movies

What we know about the LEGO Jurassic World game so far

Scified2015-03-17 17:00:36https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/95680268962538.png
Written by Chris2,008 Reads1 Comments2015-03-17 17:00:36

The release of the LEGO Jurassic World videogame trailer yesterday got many fans of the franchise and gamers alike hyped up for LEGO's next instalment in their popular film-videogame series. Following the likes of their popular Star Wars and Batman titles, Jurassic Park is easily one of, if not the largest project so far that LEGO have tackled for a videogame. This game packs all four films, Jurassic Park, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park 3 and Jurassic World all into one game, allowing players to experience each one respectively as their favorite characters from the franchise - in LEGO form. Below are a few aspects of the game that we know so far, thanks to a recent report by GameInformer:

The game is meant for players of all ages

As with any LEGO game title, developers TT Games have taken an overly serious set of films, and added a fairly comedic tone to them, so the game can be enjoyed by players of all ages. Fans who grew up with Jurassic Park, are well into their 20s now. The target demographic for any LEGO game tends to be a younger audience, however many hard core fans of the franchise will enjoy playing through and re-living the nostalgic moments from the first 3 films, regardless of age. By keeping certain aspects of the game true to the films which its based upon, LEGO once again has grasped the attention of both younger and older gamers, while still offering a family-friendly experience.

You can play as the Dinosaurs

That's right, you can actually play as the Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park! Sometimes, playing as a Dinosaur will be requird to get past certain levels throughout the campaign. As GameInformer stated in their hands-on review, "They’re not trained circus animals; part of the appeal is that attendees are able to see them as wild as they can be. It only makes sense that these beasts aren’t exactly ready to wear saddles. Even though they have a tendency to devour people in the movies, players will need help from dinosaurs to break through barriers and get into areas that might otherwise be inaccessible. If you can’t ride them, what do you do? In Lego Jurassic World, you can become the dinosaur."

You can create your own Dinosaurs too

Something else that'sneat thet LEGO Jurassic World offers is the ability to craft your own Dinosaurs from "parts" of other Dinosaurs. As youplay through each level of the game's campaigns, you can find hidden pieces of Amber, which contain a mosquito inside - containing Dino-DNA. Collecting these DNA fragments will allow you to create custom Dinosaurs and use them to populate your own little "island hub", where they can roam free. GameInformer adds, that there are elements from 20 different Dinosaur types, allowing for over 1,000 combinations to be constructed!

There will be over 100 playable characters... Including Mr. DNA

There will be over 100 playable characters, spanning from across the entire Jurassic Park / Jurassic World timeline! From Alan Grant to Owen Grady, prettymuch every character from Jurassic Park and Jurassic World is at your disposal. As GI mentions, "TT Fusion seems like they’ve captured their essence through their animations and special abilities. Grant is a versatile guy, able to construct helpful objects out of the environment and cut through thick vegetation with his machete. Malcolm can toss flares, but from what I played, his biggest skills are in acting frightened and bouncing around with nervous energy. Paleobotanist Ellie Sattler hops into smelly piles of dinosaur scat, which leave other characters gagging. She can pull out vital clues (lysine!), or the occasional electric guitar."

You can read the entire hands-on review over at GameInformer. Let us know what you think of LEGO Jurassic World so far by commenting below!

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MemberStegosaurusMar-18-2015 7:43 AM

This game got a lot more interesting.

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