Jurassic World Movies

Watch the official Jurassic World Dominion trailer online NOW!

Scified2022-02-10 07:07:43https://www.scified.com/articles/watch-official-jurassic-world-dominion-trailer-online-now-41.jpg
Written by Chris15,384 Reads13 Comments2022-02-10 07:07:43

It's finally here! Universal Pictures have just debuted the full-length, official Jurassic World Dominion (Jurassic World 3) movie trailer ahead of the Superbowl! The trailer delivers exactly what we would have hoped: lots of Dinosaurs, a number of callbacks, new Dinosaur species, relentless action and our first look at the original Jurassic Park cast finally reprising their roles in the final Jurassic World chapter! Watch the epic trailer below:

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G. H. (Gman)

AdminTyrannosaurus RexFeb-10-2022 10:14 AM


1) Has the Jurassic
franchise missed the boat on the whole nostalgia thing that's been thoroughly beaten into us? Or are we all still gullible enough to lap it up?

2) Why are the original cast members conveniently wearing the same clothes from 30 years ago? Is there nothing else in the closet? Resistant to style changes? Are they like the Power Rangers and just wear the same color coded outfit everyday? Or is this more like the Mystery Machine gang from Scooby Doo? I mean I know paleontology doesn't pay well, but...

3) I love how maybe, 40 species (generously) made it off the island onto one continent in the prior SyFy Original Motion Picture, but now there's others we've never seen before spread across the world. I mean, yeah, we all saw it coming. And these toys certainly aren't going to sell themselves, but it doesn't make it any less funny.


MemberAllosaurusFeb-10-2022 11:27 AM

Well, you have to admit it looks better than (ugh) Fallen Kingdom.


MemberBrachiosaurusFeb-10-2022 11:43 AM

I thout fallen kingdom was fine



MemberBrachiosaurusFeb-10-2022 11:43 AM

I thout fallen kingdom was fine


MemberAllosaurusFeb-10-2022 3:21 PM

I enjoyed fallen kingdom because of the indoraptor 


MemberAllosaurusFeb-10-2022 7:55 PM

One thing CANNOT SAVE A MOVIE.  Also we got an GMD (Genetically Modified Dinosaur) in Jurassic World (2015).  Anyhow, the concept and premise looks really good and I hope they don't botch it in favor of nostaliga.


MemberAllosaurusFeb-10-2022 9:25 PM

I'm still sad that Blue is the only Velociraptor variant left, I miss the old tiger raptors and the JP III Raptors


MemberAllosaurusFeb-10-2022 10:21 PM


I said enjoyed. 

also I’m not sure indoraptor is nogstalgia


The tigers were the best ones because they looked super natural and cool. In my opinion the JP 3 ones were gross looking



MemberBrachiosaurusFeb-11-2022 8:55 AM

hm. (jp 3,s are the best in my opinion)


AdminIndoraptorFeb-13-2022 10:24 AM

@Gman, the 30 year old wardrobe was quite funny to notice hahaha I too got SyFy vibes at a few points in that trailer but I'm remaining optimistic.

Agreed it does look better than Fallen Kingdom... so far. Although it's not hard to beat that sequel.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminTyrannosaurus RexFeb-14-2022 7:14 PM

I mean it's not just that they're wearing the same clothes. They're wearing the same clothes together. On the same day. Which happens to be yet another day they're being chased by dinosaurs.

That's hilarious.

I mean there's fan service and then there's SNL skits.


MemberTriceratopsJun-11-2022 2:09 PM

Imagine if godzilla was in the movie


MemberAllosaurusJun-13-2022 1:48 PM

G. H. (Gman)

Umm Dr. Wu has the ability to clone dinosaurs, he literally had a specially designed suitcase filled with embryos and DNA of dinosaurs

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