Jurassic World Movies

Vic Hoskins hidden agenda revealed in Jurassic World?

Scified2015-05-16 23:19:53https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/2182955116717530.jpg
Written by Matt2,314 Reads1 Comments2015-05-16 23:19:53

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As Jurassic World grows closer, more and more details are beginning to be revealed about the movie. One particular character detail has surfaced now, which promises to potentially reveal an exciting and potentially spoilery plot twist. If that bothers you, stop reading now. But if you are fine with it, keep reading and we will discuss and dissect the spoiler as revealed by a new interview with Colin Trevorrow and Chris Pratt from the movie magazine 'Scifinow'. The relevant blurb from the article is reproduced below.

"...On the other end of the spectrum (from Owen Grady) stands d'onofrio's vic hoskins, described as the films antagonist. He's a private security contractor who comes up with other ways to take advantage of the dinosaurs. "There's a lot of great material in the first book about using dinosaurs in the same way we've used a lot of other animals, both in medicine and military aspects" explains trevorrow. "Vic feels dinosaurs have all the potential in the world and masrani is using this place to stock a petting zoo. So he's got some out-there ideas that he tries to practice."

As you can see, the spoiler in this interview clearly gives away Vic Hoskins motivations and plans for the dinosaurs in Jurassic World. It is extremely interesting to read him described as the films antagonist when he has been indicated in other press releases and videos as also being the head of the ACU and Jurassic World security. If he is truly antagonistic, he may prove to be a dangerous force, possibly even more then Indominus, although in what capability he is villainous is still unclear.

Trevorrow's description of utilizing themes from the novels into Hoskins motivations is also extremely intriguing. It may possibly point to Hoskins potentially eying the dinosaurs for military applications or even for Medical testing. It may also indicate that Hoskins may be attempting to undercut Masrani, believing that the potential of the dinosaurs is unrealized or neglected. These 'out there' ideas I believe may be seen in the movie already especially in certain reported aspects of the 'Indominus Rex'. (Camoflauge, homicidal rage, etc)

Trevorrow's description of Hoskins motivations also fits in surprisingly well with Vic Hoskins official profile on the Lego Jurassic World site. The site describes his motivations there as:

"Vic Hoskins is a greedy “skunkworks” agent from InGen, the genetics company responsible for cloning the original Jurassic Park’s dinosaurs. He sees the animals of Jurassic World not as beautiful and amazing creatures, but as potential for profit…and he’ll stop at nothing to steal Owen’s research for himself!"

This blurb and Trevorrow's quote combined would seem to indicate that Vic Hoskins is not above utilizing Espionage in his plans. His plans for utilizing the dinosaurs also are indicated to stem from pure greed as well. In addition, Trevorrow's comments about utilizing dinosaurs for military applications strangely combine with the blurb here about 'stealing Owen's research'. This is particularly because we know that Owen Grady is performing Behavior research on the Raptor Squad during the events of the movie. So that leaves one question. Why then is Hoskins interested in stealing the results of the Raptors?

Let us know what you think in the comments!

Source: SciFiNow. Thanks to JPLegacy for the heads up!

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MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2015 2:07 PM

What a dick. Hope the I-Rex eats him.

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