Jurassic World Movies

Universal Likely Gearing Up For A Sequel Following Jurassic World's Record-Breaking Box Office Numbers!

Scified2015-06-12 14:09:30https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/5062750316345156.png
Written by Chris1,669 Reads1 Comments2015-06-12 14:09:30

As of last night, The Park Is Open and Jurassic World is already making headlines and breaking box office records! Raking in a staggering $18.5 million on its Thursday preview night in North America, spanning across 3,229 cinemas. Today that number grows substantionally as the Dinosaurs invade upwards of 4,270 cinemas!

By comparison, last summer's highest earning film was Guardians of the Galaxy (also starrring Chris Pratt), which opened to $11.2 million during its Thursday night preview run. Godzilla (2014) only opened to $9.3 million and Furious 7 made $15.8 million during their Thursday night previews. Jurassic World beat them all and the earning potential will only continue to grow as the film releases in more cinmeas today and continues to draw in moviegoers throughout its entire theater run.

I should also note that these numbers don't even include Jurassic World's international box office take, which so far stands at around $24.5 million. It's very possible Jurassic World could set a new Box Office record once its opening weekend is through, we'll know for sure by Monday!

What does this mean for the franchise? Nothing but good things, a whole new frontier has opened up! This kind of return is almost guaranteed to instantly greenlight production on a sequel. All the films mentioned above were green-lit for sequels not long after their theater run and their initial eanrings didn't surpass those of Jurassic World. Not to mention, Universal have always had plans to revive their most treasured and profitable franchise from day one, but seeing these kinds of numbers only further solidify the chances of a sequel being made.

By Monday, we will have a more accurate assessment of the film's box office earnings and we'll be sure to keep you updated as that information becomes available to us! If you've seen Jurassic World already, don't forget to share your rating and review of it here on Scified!

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MemberCompsognathusJun-13-2015 9:37 AM

My modest proposal for a Jurassic World/Park sequel/prequel or spinoff is my new novel Mammoth Isle at http://www.amazon.com/Mammoth-Isle-Philip-Linder-ebook/dp/B00R212A2G/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1434212955&sr=1-1&keywords=mammoth+isle

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