Jurassic World Movies

Universal are already planning a Jurassic World sequel!

Scified2015-03-03 15:53:40https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/2636618252784526.png
Written by Chris2,068 Reads7 Comments2015-03-03 15:53:40

When Jurassic World first was announced it was hinted that Universal Studios were gearing up to revive their iconic Jurassic Park franchise with a new trilogy, rebranding the venture to Jurassic World. Initially, fans were skeptical, due to Hollywood's current obsession with trilogies and spreading films out so thin to make as much money as possible - many worried Jurassic World's success would be hindered by creating it with the intention of leading into future sequels which could or could not happen. When a film is created as a "stand-alone", the results are usually more promising, instead of leaving a number of open ends. However, throughout the production of Jurassic World, direct Colin Trevorrow assured us that Jurassic World could stand on its own regardless of the studio's intentions for sequels.

It would seem Universal are still extremely confident with Jurassic World, so much so that Colin once again mentioned the very real likelyhood that Jurassic World will spawn sequels, in a recent interview with Empire Magazine, to which he revealed:

"We definitely talked about [sequels] a lot. We wanted to create something that would be a little bit less arbitrary and episodic, and something that could potentially arc into a series that would feel like a complete story."

Here's a fan-made banner for Jurassic World 2, by Jack who runs the JW fansite, JW.org, obviously the "ice age" theme is strictly fan theory, but still a neat concept:

What do you think of Universal's plans to expand Jurassic World into a few sequels? Let us know your thoughts below and be sure to check out more from the interview over on Empire's website!

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MemberCompsognathusMar-03-2015 4:06 PM

I feel like, Although a Sequel could be useful and needed.... I think it's a little early to call for a sequel, I mean, To draft a Story board and the such can be done from now to the release of JW, But Am I the only one feeling like Universal is jumping the gun here?


Theres a possible chance this movie could flop, Extremely unlikely, It is still a factor.


If this movie turns out to be a let down (Making most revenue off of Nostalgia), Universal will still make a sequel which could flop heavily. 


I hold faith in Colin though, If anyone can pull it off, it's going to be him. 

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMar-03-2015 5:14 PM



MemberCompsognathusMar-04-2015 8:25 AM

Hi all, long-time lurker and first time commentor on the JW forums!

I guess the idea of a JW dequel depends heavily on how JW fares as has already been stated. If we get a film that hols true to the original vision of JP but brings it into the 21st century in a believable and enjoyable manner then that certainly opens it up in a stronger way to the idea of a sequel. (Looks like the film should be pretty damn good so hopefully that'll be that side of the case sorted!)

The issue to me though is this: what would be the point of a sequel? Obviously, as far as Universal/Legendary are concerned, if JW fares well in the box office, there's good reason to make a sequel: Money. It'll bring in the dollar big time, so they'd be happy to do so. But from an in-universe perspective, I'm struggling to see where else they could go.

JP obviously highlighted the issues of playing God and how, despite all failsafes you might set up, life will 'find a way'. TLW was another lesson in not messing with creatures that shouldn't be in our timeline, leaving them to their own devices in Isla Sorna and not trying to force another JP situation (I think Peter Ludlow learned that the hard way...) and JP3, well... I dunno, Spinosaurus is big? xD

Of course, looks like JW will be another lesson in not playing God a la the original JP film - particularly with the introduction of Indominus Rex. But after that, whre do you go? You've done bringing diosaurs back from extinction and you've done a few attempts to reign them in to a construct that works for you (a theme park). JW will show that even when you've got a construct that works and you push the barriers too much (with I-Rex), the system will fail and Ian Malcolm was still right all along. (life finds a way, right?) - so after this, I dunno where else the team could go. 

I'd be concerend they'd go down the 'horrible dino mutation route!' which I think a lot of fans wouldn't enjoy (myself included - the way I-Rex has been presented is believable and cool but if we get a whole hoard of Mutatosaurus Rexoceratopses I think I'd not be on board...) but yeah.


I dunno! Maybe they'd come up with something crazy cool, and maybe I'm not exploring many options. But yeah just my two cents at this time. Certainly an interesting proposition and it'd be interesting see where they go with a sequel - I'm open to seeing what happens - but I guess I know what I don't want from a sequel. :P

If you read all of this stupidly long message, congrats. If not, I don't blame you, it took forever to type out >__<


MemberCompsognathusMar-05-2015 6:05 AM

EVERYONE!!! I have just thought of the GREATEST idea for the possible 3rd Jurassic World movie! What if, they CLONE Hammond and bring him back, just like the dinosaurs! what'cha think guys?


MemberCompsognathusMar-05-2015 6:12 AM

Also, there COULD be sequels. I dunno, but i am wondering one thing, how could Chris Pratt (Owen or Star Lord in Gaurdians Of The Galaxy), tame VELOCIRAPTORS? I dont understand why they could be tameable NOW and not in the first 3 movies.

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMar-05-2015 1:37 PM

"Theres a possible chance this movie could flop, Extremely unlikely, It is still a factor."

Not sure what you base that on. Even if the movie sucked and everyone that saw it, hated it, it still wouldn't flop, financially.

1. It's part of much-loved franchise.

2. It's 15 years in the making.

3. The trailer set YouTube viewing records.

The opening weekend will make enough money to catalyze the sequel into existence. See: Godzilla 2014

Michael Ryan Moss

MemberCompsognathusMar-07-2015 5:21 PM

I wonder what's Jurassic World 2 gonna be.

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