Jurassic World Movies

Two More Jurassic World TV Spots Come Roaring Online!

Scified2015-05-11 09:07:28https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/3020003038256516.png
Written by Chris1,979 Reads7 Comments2015-05-11 09:07:28

Definitely two of the less spoilery TV spots to be released lately, these two new Jurassic World movie TV spots feature a number of smaller cut-scenes from the film as well as some entertaining dialogue by Bryce Dallas Howards' Claire Dearing. Unlike the previous TV spot which featured some nostalgic throw-backs to Jurassic Park, these two Jurassic World spots reveal very little that we haven't already seen in the full-length theatrical trailers.

There is some new footage showing the Indominus Rex breaking into the Aviary, as well as a shot of the Indominus kicking the Gyrosphere which Zach and Gray are unfortunately stuck in before being smashed around by some Ankylosauruses. You can watch them both below, however unfortunately they have yet to be released officially and in HD quality. Once they are, we'll be sure to update this post and take plenty of screenshots!

Thanks to MovieMadnessTrailers for the heads up on Twitter!

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Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2015 9:11 AM

Oh hello Apatosaurus on the left, Triceratops on the right. Looks like a safe ride.

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2015 9:37 AM

Gotta wait and see these scenes play out, but the gyrophere valley looks almost too perfect. Flat, unblemished grass with Apatosaurs, Stegosaurs, Triceratops, and Parasaurs all in the same shot.

I get that it is supposed to be the "wonder" shot...it embodies the realization of the dream. I just hope it looks realistic in the full scene(s).


MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2015 9:38 AM

That kick, though, from the I-Rex. Might as well be a DLC character to the FIFA games.


MemberStegosaurusMay-11-2015 1:12 PM

Why are all of these not in HD? Is it too hard to make an HD video?

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2015 2:17 PM

Universal hasn't posted any of these themselves yet. When they do, they will be in HD. Kinda weird that they've been posted by random trailer users on YouTube in 360p.


MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2015 8:05 PM

@Peter they get the TV Spots from a website called iSpot TV which the site unfortuatnley doesn't have HD Support. We will just have to wait until Universal Pictures release them, hopefully soon!

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-12-2015 6:11 AM

I love the fact that all of the trailers/tv spots have used the same samples of footage with an extra couple seconds thrown in with each new spot.

I can't resist watching them, but I also don't want to see the whole movie like this. Trevorrow has done a great job with these edits of keeping us hyped while not letting the entire cat out of the bag.

When Godzillla was released last year, the various trailers had revealed a lot (too much as it turned out), and there had also been multiple 90 sec scenes released in advance of the film, which also revealed way to much. When I saw the film in the theatre, I felt like I had seen most of the interesting parts of the movie. Only the (short) final battle between Godzilla and the Mutos was completely new.

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