Jurassic World Movies

There is only 1 T-Rex at Jurassic World, and it's the same one from Jurassic Park

Scified2015-02-01 15:11:08https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/307189561732877.png
Written by Chris4,411 Reads11 Comments2015-02-01 15:11:08

Unlike Site B, Isla Nublar's new Jurassic World will only feature one Tyrannosaurus Rex on the Island. Not only that, but its the exact same T-Rex from the original Jurassic Park, re-captured and held in captivity at Jurassic Worlds "T-Rex Kingdom", one of the park's main attractions. The official Jurassic World website recently openned up the information page for T-Rex Kingdom, which confirms that the Rex in Jurassic World is in fact the same Rex from Jurassic Park:

Tyrannosaurus Rex Kingdom

"It’s T. Rex’s world—the rest of us are just visiting it. Venture into the Jurassic-sized viewing area to see the legendary predator in her natural domain. After all, she’s been living on Isla Nublar for over twenty-five years! Feedings are scheduled every two hours. Warning: This attraction may be too intense for children and some adults." - T-rex Kingdom Page

Previously, fans had speculated that this was the same Rex from Jurassic Park, because of the images of the Rex on the Jurassic World website, sporting scars from its encounter with the Raptors at the end of the first film. This new information confirms that those speculations were correct. 

Will this T-Rex save the day once again in Jurassic World? Let us know what you think by commenting below!

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MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2015 4:51 PM

It's really nice to see thats shes(T-Rex) back! Brings some nostalgia to it!

My speculation is yes she will bring down the I-Rex in the very end of the movie and when she enters to fight it, she will burst through the Spinosaurus skeleton just to mock the Spino in JPIII. 

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2015 6:10 PM

I've loved the thought of this from the beginning. It is just that much more special to have her survive all this time and return to the screen. 

The only part of it that seems perplexing to me... Much like big sea parks constantly breed their star whales and ensure that when one dies prematurely, they can replace it easily... You'd think Jurassic World would be similarly prepared for the unexpected loss of their star dino.

I'm sure site b comes in handy for this kind of situation. 


MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2015 6:34 PM

Glad the big girl is back, seems she survived the Napalm bombing of Nublar. After living on that island for 25 years, its safe to say she's the queen of it. Her match will probebly be met by the creation of Indominus, but as she showed at the closing of Jurassic park, Isla Nublar belongs to her.

Dino Sapiens

MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2015 10:13 PM

Maybe T-Rex and Raptors + Humans work together and in the end they fight on the Bride (trian line)
and D-Rex fall in to mosasaur and die  ?


MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2015 10:20 PM

Just curious about one thing...does anyone else think it's possible that she's gotten bigger? She was around 45' X 16' in the first movie and 25 years have passed. 



MemberCompsognathusFeb-02-2015 10:26 AM

indiana jones

MemberCompsognathusFeb-02-2015 1:46 PM

I don't think the napalm bombing is canon to the films


MemberCompsognathusFeb-03-2015 10:50 AM



MemberStegosaurusFeb-06-2015 6:30 AM

So the old girl is still ruling Isla Nublar as a queen. I bet the Raptors must fear her, knowing what happened to the last ones who made her angry.


MemberCompsognathusFeb-09-2015 12:11 PM

I actually like this idea and I hope they have REXY face off against the Indominus Rex. That would just make my life.

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusFeb-14-2015 1:20 PM

Just when we thought we knew everthing...


Apparently there are quite a few more tyrannosaurs. Probably kept in their own paddock. T-Rex Kingdom is merely an attraction, featuring the big old girl.

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