Jurassic World Movies

Team Jurassic Prize Pack 1 - Win Jurassic World: Where Dinosaurs Come to Life & Velociraptor Head Hand Puppet!

Scified2015-06-01 14:02:00https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/7012116801239868.png
Written by Chris2,851 Reads18 Comments2015-06-01 14:02:00

Kicking off the new month we have an exciting new Jurassic World prize pack giveaway to share, thanks to Universal Pictures! As we mentioned last week, Scified has teamed up with Universal and are actively taking part in the fun, new #TeamJurassic campaign! If you're not sure what Team Jurassic is, please refer to this article we shared a few days ago, or click the Team Jurassic logo in the top right side of the sidebar.

Now, on to the good stuff! the first Team Jurassic prize pack contains two main prizes, which are listed below. To win, you will need to follow the instructions laid out at the bottom of this post and answer a few Jurassic World trivia questions!


Jurassic World Chomping Velociraptor Head

Roam your territory as the cleverest of all dinosaurs: Velociraptor! With this chomping Velociraptor head, you can pretend to turn your hand into the ultimate predator. Available at most major toy retailers nationwide and on HasbroToyShop.com.

Jurassic World: Where Dinosaurs Come to Life (Hardcover)

The official Augmented Reality book to accompany the highly anticipated Jurassic World includes five breathtaking Augmented Reality sequences featuring life-size dinosaurs and a brand-new dual user mode. This book is the perfect purchase for every Jurassic World and dinosaur fan. Plus, a free interactive app brings the action alive . . . right at home!

How to win:

In order to be eligable to win this prize pack, you must do all of the following. Read carefully and follow the instructions, as only those who follow each step will be considered for the prize draw on June 4th!

  1. Either LIKE or FOLLOW Scified on Facebook or Twitter
  2. Either LIKE or FOLLOW the official Jurassic Park Facebook or Twitter
  3. If you chose to FOLLOW us on Twitter, post this in a tweet with a link to this article, so we can verify your account: "I just entered the first #TeamJurassic #JurassicWorld prize pack giveaway at @scifiedcom! [LINK HERE]" (All hashtags and user tags must be written like that)
  4. If you chose to LIKE us on Facebook, then SHARE this article with your friends and add this as your text when sharing: "I just entered the first #TeamJurassic #JurassicWorld prize pack giveaway on Scified.com!" (You can either use Scified.com or link to our Facebook page instead)
  5. You must be a member of our network (this automatically includes our Jurassic World forums at JurassicWorldNews.com if you're already a member) and answer the following questions in the COMMENTS SECTION of this post: (You can sign up here if you don't have an account yet, it takes less than a minute and it's free!)

    1) Name all 4 Raptors which make up Owen's Raptor Squad
    2) Name 4 characters from Jurassic World as well as the actors who play them
    3) Tell us your favorite scene from the currently released trailers and TV spost so far

That's it! Do those few things and you will be automatically entered in for a chance to win the first Team Jurassic prize pack!




Steven Spielberg returns to executive produce the long-awaited next installment of his groundbreaking Jurassic Park series, Jurassic World.  Colin Trevorrow directs the epic action-adventure based on characters created by Michael Crichton.  The screenplay is by Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver and Derek Connolly & Trevorrow, and the story is by Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver.  Frank Marshall and Patrick Crowley join the team as producers.

Don't forget, Jurassic World hits theaters in just 10 days (June 11th/June 12th) in IMAX 3D and RealD 3D:

Experience the wonder. Discover the unforgettable. Get your tickets to ?Jurassic World today: unvrs.al/JWtix  

Find and share news like this with other Jurassic Park fans in the newly updated Jurassic World forum! The Jurassic World forum is an online community dedicated to nothing but Jurassic Park and Jurassic World fan discussions! Don't be a lurker, join the JP fan community today!



MemberCompsognathusJun-01-2015 2:16 PM

1) Blue, Charlie, Echo and Delta.

2) Owen Grady (Chris Pratt), Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard), Simon Masrani (Iffran Khan) and Gray Mitchell (Ty Simpkins).

3) So far, It's the shot when Owen and Claire run out and see the chopper heading toward the Aviary. So epic!


(I'm @jurassicword on twitter)


MemberCompsognathusJun-01-2015 2:21 PM

Echo, Charlie, Delta, Blue

Owen Grady - Chris Pratt

Claire Dearing - Bryce Dallas Howard

Gray Mitchell - Ty Simpkins

Zach Mitchell - Nick Robinson

My favorite scene so far is a tie for the Raptor Squad scene and the scene where Claire is in some building and the door lifts and she has a flare in her hand and looks terrified toward camera! Really great tones! 


MemberCompsognathusJun-01-2015 2:26 PM

1. - Blue, Echo, Delta, Charlie


2 - Owen Grady: Chris Pratt

Claire Dearing: Bryce Dallas Howard

Gray Mitchell: Ty Skipson

Zach Mitchell: Nick Robinson

Simon Masrani: Irrfan Kahn


3 - I loved the scene of Claire luring out Rexy from her paddock, my anticipation to see the whole thing is overwhelming.



MemberCompsognathusJun-01-2015 2:55 PM

1) Blue, Delta, Echo and Charlie

2) Chris Pratt (Owen Grady), Bruce Dallas Howard (Claire Dearing), Iffran Khan (Simon Masrani) and Nick Robinson (Zach Mitchell)

3) My favourite scene is when the young employee falls into the velociraptor pen and Owen goes and helps him by telling Blue and the others to stand down. I think the raptor squad is soo cool


MemberCompsognathusJun-01-2015 6:53 PM


Owen Grady (Chris Pratt)

Vic Hoskins (Vincent D'Onofrio)

Henry Wu (BD Wong)

Barry (Omar Sy)

Favorite scene so far is the Indominus Hatching! 


MemberCompsognathusJun-01-2015 8:35 PM

1.) Blue, Charlie, Delta, and Echo.

2.) Claire Dearing (Played by Bryce Dallas Howard), Henry Wu (Played by B.D. Wong), Vic Hoskins (Played by Vincent D'Onfario), Zach Mitchell (Played by Nick Robinson), and Simon Masrani (Played by Irrfan Khan).

3.) My favorite scene so far consists of the various shots of the Indominus hatching, as the atmosphere portrayed was very frightening and creepy!

Jurassic My World

MemberCompsognathusJun-01-2015 9:58 PM

1) Charlie, Delta, Echo, Blue 


2) Vic Hoskins (Vincent D'Onfario), Simon Masrani (Irrfan Khan), Dr. Wu (B.D. Wong), Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) 

3. So far my favorite scene is when the Indominous chases Zach and Gray from the woods and they jump off the waterfall! The I Rex chases them and almost chomps them! Beautiful scene.


Good luck everyone!!



MemberCompsognathusJun-01-2015 10:27 PM

1) Echo, Charlie, Delta, and Blue

2) Owen Grady (Chris Pratt), Simon Masrani (Irrfan Khan), Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard), and Gray Mitchell (Ty Simpkins)

3) I love the part where Owen is starting to tame the raptors and he has that sense of determination in his eyes as he's holding his hands up.


MemberCompsognathusJun-02-2015 1:33 AM

1) Blue, Charlie, Delta and Echo

2) Owen Grady (Chris Pratt), Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard), Dr Henry Wu (BD Wong) and Simon Masrani (Irrfan Khan)

3) The Indominus Rex attacking Zach and Gray in the Gyrosphere and smashing through the glass. Also, while not from the trailers or spots, there was a recent image of the kids looking at the old mural in the original Visitor's Center, pure nostalgia.

1 Week to go of a 14 year wait. Thanks for the competition Scified, would make my day if I won. Good luck Jurassic fans!

Kj Sawyer

MemberCompsognathusJun-02-2015 1:52 AM

The raptors:

Echo, Charlie, Delta, Blue


The actors:

Omar Sy - Barry

Judy Greer - Karen Mitchell

Vincent D'Onofrio - Vic Hoskins

BD Wong - Henry Wu


My favorite scene so far:

The science. The idea behind the creation of the Indominus Rex.

The mixed DNA. The guess work behind exactly WHAT creatures they have mixed and did they continue to use frog DNA or not which would allow the continued breeding.


(@wolf_sawyer on twitter and https://www.facebook.com/LastShadow258)


MemberCompsognathusJun-02-2015 2:15 AM

1) Blue, Charlie, Delta and Echo

2) Owen Grady (Chris Pratt), Dr. Henry Wu (BD Wong), Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard), Vic Hoskins (Vincent D'Onofrio)

3) My favorite scene so far: Owen escapes the Indominus Rex paddock, that was awesome!


MemberCompsognathusJun-02-2015 5:26 AM
1- Raptors: Blue, Echo, Delta, Charlie.

2 - Vincent D´Onofrio - Vic Hoskins

       BD Wong - Henry Wu

       Chris Pratt - Owen Grady

       Gray Mitchell - Ty Skipson

3- Scene: Much love the scene where the children play with the babies dinos in the Petting Zoo . It's exciting .

my email: rodiretor@yahoo.com.br

twitter and instagram: @roddiretor




MemberCompsognathusJun-02-2015 12:58 PM
  1. Blue, echo, delta, charlie
  2. Owen Grady = Chris Pratt 

           Claire Dearing = Bryce Dallas Howard 

           Vic Hostings = Vincent D'onofrio

           Lowery Cruthers = Jake Johnson

3.  The small clip where you see (presumibly the Indominous Rex) a dinosaur hatching. It's a huge omage to the first film where they hatch the velociraptor even before they know it's a raptor. I just absolutely love it. Makes me feel 10 years all over again. 



MemberCompsognathusJun-02-2015 3:49 PM

1. Echo, Charlie, Blue, Delta

2. Chris Pratt as Owen Grady

    Katie McGrath as Zara Young

    Jake Johnson as Lowery Cruthers

    Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire Dearing

3. My favorite scene from the trailers and tv spots is when Katie McGrath gets dropped in the mosasaur tank by a pteranodon. This scene looks as if it will be very interesting. I have always wanted to see a JP movie with prehistoric marine reptiles. Can't wait for this movie, I have been waiting ever since JP 3 hoping to see a sequel that can live up to the first JP movie.


MemberCompsognathusJun-02-2015 6:54 PM

1. Blue, Charlie, Delta, and Echo

2. Owen Grady-Chris Pratt

Claire Dearing- Bryce Dallas Howard

Zack Mitchell-Nick Robinson

Grey Mitchell- Ty Simpkins

3. The Indominus Rex hatching. It shows the fear that should have been present in Jurassic Park.


MemberCompsognathusJun-03-2015 3:01 PM

1) Blue, Charlie, Delta, Echo

2) Owen Grady - Chris Pratt

    Claire Dearing - Bryce Dallas Howard

    Simon Masrani - Irrfan Kahn

    Henry Wu - BD Wong

3) Rexy eating that goat. :)


MemberCompsognathusJun-04-2015 7:56 AM

1. Echo, Charlie, Delta, Blue

2. Chris Pratt- Owen Grady, Ty Simpkins-Grey Mitchell, Nick Robinson-Zack Mitchell, Bryce Dallas Howard- Claire Dearing

3. My favorite part has to be the I-rex hatching from the egg. So creepy


MemberCompsognathusJun-08-2015 9:41 AM

Blue,Charlie, Echo Delta 

Christ Pratt:Owen Grady

Ty Simpkins: Grey Mitchelle

Nick Robinson: Zack Mitchelle 

Bryce Dallas Howard: Claire Dearing


My favorite so far has to be the new dinosaur 



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