Jurassic World Movies

Steven Spielberg and Colin Trevorrow Reveal the New Vision for Jurassic Park in New Jurassic World Featurette Video!

Scified2015-06-01 13:04:25https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/533856322565160.png
Written by Chris1,551 Reads1 Comments2015-06-01 13:04:25

Universal Pictures have just released a new 1:42 minute long featurette entitled New Vision. Executive producer and Jurassic Park director Steven Spielberg kicks off the featurette by saying Jurassic World is a breathtaking adventure and praises the work done by Jurassic World director, Colin Trevorrow. Not only that, but a number of new TV spots have also been released! Scroll down to see it all!

This featurette really focuses on informing the audience why the film is so meaningful and why it's a perfect sequel to the original film. Trevorrow has always been very passionate about this project and kept the vital aspects which made Jurassic Park so iconic for its time, true in Jurassic World

"We all agreed that it was going to be about the story and about the characters, because that's what makes you believe in the Dinosaurs - is if the people feel real." - Colin Trevorrow

As well as a few other excerpts from other castmates, there are also some great new behind-the-scenes footage as well. We definitely encourage our readers to watch the entire featurette and let us know your thoughts about it in the comments section below!

In related Jurassic World news, two new additional TV spots have been released, along with exclusive footage shown in various Best Buy locations as part of Samsing's partnership and marketing with Universal Pictures. 

The first new TV spot sports very fast-paced music and doesn't contain any new footage really. There is one cutscene showing Charlie running towards something or someone with her jaw open -as if she's about to strike:

The second new TV spot focuses purely on Owen's (Chris Pratt) Raptor Squad. There are a few new cut-scenes showing Charlie once again chasing after what looks to be a vehicle, though it could just be the camera angle and then another shot shows Blue being startled and looking behind her. This particular cut-scene is rather interesting as Claire, Zach, Gray and Owen are infront of her, almost in a defensive stance, much like this recent Jurassic World movie still which was released. Could Blue have turned on her human friend and was about to eat the lone survivors before something bigger shows up to "save the day"? In 10 days we'll find out, but for now, the speculation is still fun. Check out the TV spot below:

Finally, the footage which has been played at select Best Buy stores on their new Samsung TVs has finally found its way to YouTube! Fitting, the footage focuses on the Samsung Innovation Centre from Jurassic World - huge product placement, but we're not complaining, especially after you witness this footage!

Yes, it acts like a Samsung commercial, but the new footage revealed is incredible - holographic Velociraptors, interactive Dinosaur displays, a few new scenes of Owen and the Raptors - it's one you don't want to miss! Check it out:

There's a lot more Jurassic World goodness on the way, so be sure to check back often for daily updates! Only 10 days before The Park Is Open!

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MemberAllosaurusJun-01-2015 2:59 PM

This brings much more confidence to me that the movie will be very good and not dissapoint. Excited to see what's in store!

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