Jurassic World Movies

Star Wars Creature Shop providing Dinosaur animatronics for Jurassic World 2!

Scified2017-02-09 07:16:29https://www.scified.com/articles/star-wars-creature-shop-providing-dinosaur-animatronics-jurassic-world-2-80.png
Written by Chris20,734 Reads0 Comments2017-02-09 07:16:29

Juan Antonio Bayona's Jurassic World 2 will involve more Dinosaur animatronic use than the first Jurassic World did and up until now, we had assumed that Legacy Effects would be managing the Dinosaurs once again. However, news has surfaced revealing that for the first time in the franchise's history, a new practical effects company will be taking the reigns on Jurassic Park's Dinosaurs - Star Wars Creature Shop!

Our friends at Jurassic Outpost have discovered and confirmed through trusted sources that Neal Scanlan’s Star Wars Creature Shop will in fact be managing the creature effects for the Jurassic World sequel. Prior to this, Legacy Effects (formerly Stan Winston Studios) had provided practical effects work on every other Jurassic Park film, but as the initial report points out, Legacy are located in California, while Jurassic World 2 will be filming most of its scenes at Pinewood Studios in London - also home to Neal Scanlan’s Creature Shop.

Although this news may come as a disappointment to fans who were hoping to see more of Legacy's work in Jurassic World 2, Neal Scanlan and his Creature Shop are an extremely talented group as well and should bring the same level of passion and detail to their work, as Legacy Effects did. All we can hope for is that they maintain the trademark look and feel of Jurassic's Dinosaurs going forward with the sequel.

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