Jurassic World Movies

Sir David Attenborough meets a Titanosaur in 360 degrees!

Scified2016-02-25 11:15:52https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/7635538039880413.jpg
Written by Gavin3,647 Reads0 Comments2016-02-25 11:15:52

Sir David Attenborough, brother to the late, great Richard Attenborough famous for playing Jurassic Park's John Hammond, is a British television presenter and world reknowned naturalist. His charismatic voice and presenting style has marked over six decades of wildlife documentaries on the BBC.

In his newest wildlife documentary 'Attenborough and the Giant Dinosaur', the esteemed naturalist meets an animated CGI reconstruction of one of largest creatures to have eaver walked the earth, the Titanosaur; a gargantuan sauropod believed to have grown up to lengths of up to 40 feet, as shown in this amazing immersive video, which uses the new 360 degree capturing technology to amazing effect.

Another video, which we have shared on our Facebook page of which is also associated with the same documentary, Attenborough, whom has helped push filmmaking technology with his 60+ year long career as a wildlife documentary maker and host, was treated with meeting the same dinosaur virtually with the use of virtual reality. Attenborough's high praise of the technology and its recent resurgence with devices such as the Oculus Rift, will surely see the technology continue to progress into the mainstream.

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