Ever since Jurassic Park 3 hit theaters, fans of the Jurassic franchise have been divided into two camps - Team T-Rex and Team Spinosaurus. Following the latter killing the former in the film, many debated whether or not the battle was realistic and if the young bull Rex really did deserve the death he received. The death was monumental for the franchise because up until that point the Tyrannosaurus Rex reigned as the ultimate king of Jurassic Park. To be dethroned by a Dinosaur whose bite force paled in comparison really made fans scratch their heads and even today, the debate continues.
It seems however that the team behind the Jurassic World Evolution game are without a doubt, Team Rex. Two species profile videos were released, the first being one for Spinosaurus and it did show off some T-Rex vs. Spino action...
However, we then received a species profile video of the infamous T-Rex and the video speaks for itself - showcasing the true power of the T-Rex and its dominance over other predators - especially Spinosaurus:
Sorry Spinosaurus fans...
Jurassic World Evolution arrives June 12th!
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