Jurassic World Movies

Shots Fired! Joss Whedon takes aim at Jurassic World movie clip!

Scified2015-04-10 20:46:24https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/3618971983110672.png
Written by Chris1,773 Reads4 Comments2015-04-10 20:46:24

Writer for the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron as well as the first Avengers, Joss Whedon has taken issue with the first clip from Colin Trevorrow's Jurassic World following its debut on MTV two days ago - complaining that Bryce Dallas Howard's character, Claire is "stiff" and Chris Pratt's character, Owen is the "life force". Whedon made a remark, adding that he wished the clip wasn't 70's era sexist. Here's his tweet:

Coming from the man who wrote the dialogue for Tony Stark's Iron Man, the sexist comment has ignited a storm of backlash from fans, calling Whedon a hypocrit and ultimately defending Jurassic World's film clip publicly. Jurassic Park fans wasted no time expressing their displeasure with Whedon's remarks:

But what do you think? Do you think Whedon's remarks were justified? Or do you feel his comments were misplaced and hypocritical? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section!

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MemberCompsognathusApr-10-2015 9:07 PM

I don't think there's really any way of justifying what he said. 


Of course, Everyone is allowed their own oppinions, But an artist, shouldn't attack another artist over their content. 


I mean, There's a little bit of it there, But I don't see why he should point it out... 



MemberCompsognathusApr-11-2015 12:58 AM

I'm so tired of everything being "sexist" these days. There's enough diversity in movies these days.

There are plenty of strong female leads nowadays, that carry movies on their own, or contribute to the movie in a strong way.

It saddens me that everytime a woman gets portrayed as weak or stiff (nowadays), the writers immediately are sexist and hate women etc.

Come on. Seriously. Women can still be weak or stiff. Man can also be weak or stiff. It doesn't make the movie sexist. It is just part of the story.


MemberCompsognathusApr-11-2015 3:52 AM

^ I concur.

The only way we as a society are going to fully be rid of sexism is when we stop calling attention to it altogether. No good publicity, and no bad publicity. None whatsoever. Let the general public forget about it.

Let characters be characters. Don't let them be or perceive them to be representations of either sex; let them be themselves. If this scientist is an uptight, stiff person, that's her character. If this guy is a wise-cracking smart-ass, then that's his character. That's who they are and what they are meant to be written as. The writer is not preaching a specific gender, he's merely writing character development.

No dispute of sexism needed.

Major Noob

MemberCompsognathusApr-11-2015 5:55 AM

I personally can't stand that guy, he seems to have no grasp of professional courtesy. He's immature, but what do you expect from a marvel writer?

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