The animated Netflix series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous just debuted its third season over the weekend and with it comes the introduction of a terrifying new Dinosaur hybrid!
Officially called the Scorpios Rex, this new hybrid Dinosaur was actually the predecessor to the Indominus Rex from Jurassic World! The Scorpios Rex is extremely fast and terrifying and even has a unique ability it uses against its prey - poisonous quills!
Our friends over at Jurassic Outpost managed to scoop and interview with showrunner Scott Kreamer who added some backstory to the Scorpios Rex:
Predating the Indominus Rex and Indoraptor, the Scorpios Rex (or “E-750 project”) was Dr. Wu’s first foray into creating a hybrid dinosaur. As in many first attempts at creation, mistakes were made. We started hypothesizing in the writers’ room that the Indominus Rex couldn’t have possibly been Wu’s first shot at making a hybrid, which got us to thinking about what came before, and why was it unsuccessful.
Since the Scorpios was the first step in creating the Indominus and Indoraptor, we definitely hoped fans would notice the family resemblance of the trio. Sort of like when you see those drawings detailing the evolution of man, we wanted to be able to visually see the evolution from the chaotic failed medical experiment that is the Scorpios, all the way to the sleek killer that is the Indoraptor.
We have taken great pains in the series to portray the dinosaurs as animals, not monsters. In the case of the Scorpios Rex, we wanted a monster. Aaron Hammersley and I had some initial thoughts, and then our design team took it and ran, playing a lot with proportions: the overly long arms, the thinner than usual torso, the poisonous quills. In addition, we tasked our animation team with making the Scorpios’s movements feel off, almost zombie-like, as if it wasn’t totally in control of its body and limbs. Top that off with some top-notch (and horrifying) sound design and amazing effects & lighting, and we had ourselves a monster.
Given that the Scorpios was Dr. Wu’s first shot at creating a hybrid dinosaur, we figured he’d throw the kitchen sink at it, genetically-speaking. Along with his go-to tree frog DNA and Scorpion fish DNA, the Scorpios also shares genetic make-up with (amongst others) T rex, velociraptor and carnotaurus.
What do you think of the Scorpios Rex? Let us know in the comments below!
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