Jurassic World Movies

Possible Jurassic World Plot Details Revealed?

Scified2014-05-20 15:49:15https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1433008618289418.png
Written by Chris2,382 Reads13 Comments2014-05-20 15:49:15

A slew of potential Jurassic World movie plot details have been revealed to JoBlo.com and tease a number of aspects which could be part of the new film. Since the following information could be legitimate, we're placing a spoiler warning before continuing on. That being said, we also urge readers to take the following with a grain of salt until we hear official word from Universal Studios.

Okay, with spoiler warnings out of the way, the following are excerpts from JoBlo.com, who reported leaked Jurassic World plot details. Check it out:



Building on our original scoop: JURASSIC WORLD will be a real running theme park, complete with a monorail (as teased in recent concept art above), shops, rides, and shows. It's the most popular theme park and a family destination. To get there you have to take a high speed shuttle boat from Florida. Inside the park there are a multitude of activities, including a Dino petting zoo and a Hologram info center where you can learn about the methods they are using to create dinosaurs (an enhanced version of the original one). One of the rides is called a "Gyrosphere" that you can get in and ride around in the wild to get up close to the Dinos.


Business is good at the park, but the powers that be start to dream up new ways to keep customers coming back; namely by splicing Dino DNA with other dinos (and other species). That becomes the problem. They splice together a T-Rex, raptor, snake, and cuttlefish to create a monstrous new dino that, of course, gets loose and terrorizes the park. Nothing like a little greed and human arrogance to ruin a good thing, right? Dino expert Jack Horner has teased this bad boy since last year and now we have an idea why he says we'll want to "keep the lights on" after seeing it. He may be right. 


According to our source, there will be lots of Dino on Dino fighting, as some of the Dinos are "good guys" that are trained by Chris Pratt's character. The raptors and T-Rex are among the "trained" good dinosaurs. The big bad dinosaur has instant camouflage abilities, like the cuttlefish, so he blends into the background, is smart like the velociraptor, uses his jaw like a snake, and can terrorize like the T-Rex. Does this mean the new dino will be the ONLY "bad" one? Or will there be more than one? Unconfirmed, but it will be the catalyst that kicks off the peril.

The information matches up to previous rumors we've heard regarding Jurassic World's plot, but until an official plot synopsis is released for the film, we have to treat this as just another rumor. Though, some of the details mentioned are interesting and certainly could make for an exciting film. 

We'll keep you updated on Jurassic World plot updates as they're revealed.

Source: JoBlo.com

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Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-20-2014 4:15 PM

I hope the trained Dino thing is fake. People loved the series because the dinosaurs were animals, they acted like animals, and they went on instinct. They weren't trained to do stuff. If this is true, I'm not sure what I'll think.

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMay-20-2014 5:04 PM

HOPEFULLY this hybrid won't be stupid and cheesy like Sharktopus or Sharknado. Overral, it seems pretty good.


MemberCompsognathusMay-20-2014 5:22 PM

I can understand the need to create a new spectacle in the park, especially if its been open for quite a few years and visitor numbers are dwindling. The plicing sounds interesting but combining the creatures they have doesnt sound too good to me, maybe they could make them more aggressive to create a spectacle. As for trained dinosaurs, I'm not keen on that idea at all. I can imagine intimidated dinosaurs that arent agressive to humans through intimidation, I recall the movie Aliens Ressurection where they had Aliens in the containment units near the beginning. They were pretty affraid of the humans using the gas button to harm them. Eventually they broke free though and caused havoc. A similar reaction in dinosaurs to seeing the button almost being pressed and backing off could be good for showing the dinosaurs intelligence/learning capabilities.


MemberCompsognathusMay-20-2014 8:11 PMOr imagine T Rex/raptors with something similar to rabbies. They could be contaminated (i.e. their food contaminated) for one reason or another like industrial espionage - imagine those things on the rampage!


MemberCompsognathusMay-20-2014 9:00 PM



If you'll excuse my tone AND MY OPPINION...


I feel the film is wrecked now... Holograms? What the hell? We're very very far away from Star wars holograms... And other Items listed...


How does Colin Expect this to turn out? Trained Dinosaurs? One bloody Bred with a cuttle fish and other dangerous species? 


How this Hybrids speculated... Is a HUGE Problem, Remember how the Rex couldn't see you if you didn't move? That Design flaw, Was put in purposely during writing, To give the protagonists something to defeat it with... Now, We've got one, Presumably as big as a rex, Can Camoflauge, and Is as intelligent as a Raptor...


So my conclusion is Patel Corp is a bunch of Monkeys who know litterally nothing about anything on Genetics or common sense.




Man Kind is awesome.


I pray these are just false rumours...




MemberCompsognathusMay-20-2014 10:42 PMif this is true i am not watching jurassic world


MemberCompsognathusMay-21-2014 3:32 AM

To get there you have to take a high speed shuttle boat from Florida


How in Earth can you take a boat from Florida to Nublar (east of Costa Rica) and travel across the Gulf of Mexico and Panama Canal to get there?

Isn't it easier to get to San Jose and then take a boat to the island?

I hope this movie won't be too 'americanized'

Dr. Malcolm

MemberCompsognathusMay-21-2014 4:09 AM

if this is true, this movie has nothing to do with jurassic park. It will be another crappy sci fi bullshit. 

What is the problem with normal regular animals acting like regular normal animals? If you want to make a monster movie just don't call it jurassic anything. 

What is wrong with those people?

Anyway, now i am just waiting for a new and real remake of jurassic park and lost world, because anything else seems helpless...

Someone, somewhen has to make the movies from the beggining respecting the books and the original film with as much realism as it is possible.  And then to make new sequals respecting the original concept. Now any attemp to make sequals to the first movies seems helpless and burnt...

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-21-2014 6:46 AM

Too much, and all out of context.

1) Do not be surprised by a Hybrid dinosaur. It is a logical progression that would eventually occur. In the JP alternate reality, especially with the likes of Henry Wu involved, it is undoubtable that they would play with genetics to create new creatures.

For that matter, do any of you realize how they created the actual dinosaurs in the first place? Not a single one of them is a "real" dinosaur at all. They are all hybrids of one another and of existing creatures, just tweaked to look like and behave like the public's expectation....so a crossbreed dinosaur, or one that borrows even more heavily from modern DNA, is in actuallity a SMALL diversion from the rest of the so called "dinosaurs".

To quote Allan Grant, "Dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago......what John Hammond and InGen created are theme park monsters, nothing more, nothing less."

2) I have a hard time believing Trevarrow would jump into training/taming dinosaurs, as that sounds like a horrible idea. But again, I have no doubt that real people would try this at some point. Even if it didn't succeed...it would be attempted. In the original JP novel....John Hammond stated, based on some previous experience, that the dinosaurs were "trainable".


MemberCompsognathusMay-21-2014 8:02 AM

If this is true, my dinosaur hybrid theory was right?


MemberCompsognathusMay-21-2014 9:58 AM

no please just stick with the original jurassic park , no mutation and no tamed dinos plz :(



MemberCompsognathusMay-21-2014 10:34 AMlike Peter Zanetti said, all the dinosaurs in the movies, in a sense, weren't "real" dinosaurs at all. They all had amphibian DNA spliced with them that gave them different traits (Dilophosaurus frill, T-rex eyesight, raptors size, ect.) This new dinosaur, if this is true, will still look and act like a dinosaur, it'll have some extra abilities though. The Carnotaurus in TLW novel had some chameleon DNA spliced with it which gave it the camouflage ability. The same will be for this new dinosaur, the cuttlefish DNA gives it that same ability, but perhaps even to the point where it can alter it's skin texture too. We're not going to see any tentacles on this dinosaur. As for the trained dinosaurs, I can't say it's my first choice for a Jurassic Park movie, but I can also see it playing out in an interesting and unique way. We'll still, more likely than not, have velociraptors attacking people and such. It might just be a small group of raptors that had been worked with from birth, or even a different group of dinosaurs that Wu altered their DNA to make them more passive. Colin Trevorrow knows we can't have a movie without the T-Rex and Velociraptors attacking and eating people. I'm not going to full out say "this movie is going to be a dissapointment" just yet, I'm still, no matter what (unless a tornado full of sharks shows up), going to see the movie at the pre-showing or midnight premiere, then afterwards I'll decided whether or not Colin did a good job or not. Because who knows, maybe we're taking this whole "trained" dinosaurs thing the wrong way, Trevorrow could still have a trick up his sleeve that'll "capture the imagination, of the entire planet."

Dr. Malcolm

MemberCompsognathusMay-21-2014 12:54 PM

Even though dinos were not totally real in the first place, they were supposed to be real and act realistically. Them being hybrids, was the only way to justify their ressurection. But they didn't seem or act like hybrids or monsters. It was supposed that they are the real version of real dinosaurs. The point of the movie was the interaction between people and real extinct animals. Not monsters or tamed monsters...

If I want to watch a monster movie, i will go watch Godzilla...

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