A new movie clip for Jurassic World has been released! The new clip shows how the young park worker ends up falling into the Raptor pen, forcing Chris Pratt's character Owen, to run to his aid, before he becomes Raptor-chow. The worker is feeding the Velocriaptors a pig, but the park worker loses control and gets dragged over the edge of the paddock, into the Raptor's pen, where he is met with 3 of the 4 Raptors from Owen's Raptor Squad. Acting quickly, despite his better judgement, Owen rushes into the pen and tells the Raptors to stand down. You can tell the Raptors are debating on eating Owen as well, but Owen remains firm and challenges the Raptor known as Blue, to the point of submission. From here, Owen establishes his dominance in the Raptor pack, and saves the young park worker. The entire clip lasts for just shy of a minute, but its definitely one you won't want to miss!
Special thanks to Obobobn in the Jurassic World forum for the link!
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