Jurassic World Movies

Over 30 HD Screenshots from the New Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer!

Scified2015-02-01 16:51:48https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1846395386412369.png
Written by Chris2,906 Reads11 Comments2015-02-01 16:51:48

The new Jurassic World trailer left us hyped and for some of us, probably a little terrified. With so many quick cutscenes revealing new Dinosaur mayhem and action, it's hard to catch every moment in great detail. So, below we've created over 30 HD screenshots of the new scenes revealed in the Super Bowl Jurassic World trailer. You can view them all below or in the Jurassic World trailer screenshots gallery along with screenshots from previous Jurassic World trailers and any future ones to come. Enjoy!

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots

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MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2015 4:57 PM

These are incredible! Thank you Chris!!!


MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2015 4:57 PM

These are incredible! Thank you Chris!!!


MemberStegosaurusFeb-01-2015 5:10 PM

Oh my Franco the I-Rex looks so damn awesome! I was honestly scared wtaching both major jurassic world trailers released so this will be an amazing movie!!!

Therizinosaurus Rex(aka Kaijusaurs)

MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2015 7:06 PM

Hands down, the first ever woman to be killed in JP franchise.

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexFeb-01-2015 11:07 PM

I am so very pleased with the I-rex! If you look at its teeth and gum lines, you can see variances that (in my opinion) show genetic instability! She is a physiological mess - a Frankenstein dinosaur! There is now little doubt in my mind that she will be frightening in the extreme! :)


MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2015 11:23 PM

When I first heared about the idea of D-Rex I thought it would be a failure, but now I see that she is incredible!

I-Rex's teeth look like V-Rex's teeth


MemberCompsognathusFeb-02-2015 3:06 AM

Ummmm. A flying reptile who would have weighd around twenty kilo's can pick up and carry a 60kg human.... Invizability camouflage on the I rex...... Hate this.

Love the semi tame Raptors and the stampede.Even in the rhelm of fantasy there should always believe that effects are possible.......



MemberCompsognathusFeb-02-2015 6:32 AM

Invisability camouflage???? 

I think what you saw was the I-rex's reflection in the bubble car 

The CGI so far i'm upset about. when the Trex first broke out of its enclosure in the original, it was game changing CGI, looked absolutely incredible, and this just feels abit... King Kong 2005


MemberCompsognathusFeb-02-2015 8:25 AM

I'm really happy for seeing the new trailer and pics,even thou there are still a bit of bad special effects. Hope they're gonna fix them up!




MemberCompsognathusFeb-02-2015 8:47 AM

Looks good except for some of the effects which look worse than the 3rd's but they still have time too fix it. Surprised but happy that they're going through with killing women and possibly kids (Before you say anything-I'm not a psyco but it just annoyed me that Women and Children seemed to have automatic immunity to death in the series). 


MemberCompsognathusFeb-02-2015 8:47 AM

Looks good except for some of the effects which look worse than the 3rd's but they still have time too fix it. Surprised but happy that they're going through with killing women and possibly kids (Before you say anything-I'm not a psyco but it just annoyed me that Women and Children seemed to have automatic immunity to death in the series). 

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