Jurassic World Movies

New Official Jurassic World Toy Images Reveal Indominus Rex!

Scified2015-02-13 10:39:07https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/41295222619912.jpg
Written by Gavin9,901 Reads4 Comments2015-02-13 10:39:07

Hasbro, famous for creating the Transformers, have for many years also been creating toys for many other franchises including Star Wars, Pokemon, Beyblade and of course Jurassic Park. So it comes as no surprise that the manufacturing giant will be releasing a line up of toys based on the forthcoming new instalment in the Jurassic Park franchise - Jurassic World.

Hasbro's Jurassic World toys range will be released this may, a month ahead of the movies June 12th release date, giving fans both young and young at heart plenty of time to re-enact their favorite scenes from the franchise and to imagine the scenes they are most looking forward too in Jurassic World. The full toy line up includes the usual suspects, such as the T.Rex and Velociraptor (available in a range of colors), but also includes new hybrid dinosaurs such as the Triceratops/Stegosaurus and the infamous Indominus Rex, each with the letters "JW" stamped upon their hind legs, and it seems each with a small chunkof skin removed, revealing the muscle underneath. Some of the toy sets also include vehicles and set pieces from the forthcoming movie (as above).

Tyrannosaurus Rex




Triceratops / Stegosaurus Hybrid


Indominus Rex


And the best of the rest...

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MemberCompsognathusFeb-13-2015 2:17 PM

Wait...Where did the Triceratops/Stegosaurus hybrid come from? Did i miss something? I read through the text above three times, and it sounds like this thing is nothing new. So...Where, when, how?

Therizinosaurus Rex(aka Kaijusaurs)

MemberCompsognathusFeb-13-2015 2:19 PM


I'm pretty sure that stegoceratops won't be in the film.

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusFeb-13-2015 3:01 PM


Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusFeb-13-2015 6:04 PM

Cool! I'm really not fond of the Pteranodon or raptors, but I'll definately pick up a few of these!


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