Jurassic World Movies

New Jurassic World Viral Video Details InGen's New Security Initiatives!

Scified2015-02-10 17:57:56https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/601618803194566.png
Written by Chris6,445 Reads2 Comments2015-02-10 17:57:56

A new viral video for Jurassic World was released today, detailing the security measures Masrani Global has taken to ensure park safety on the newly rebuilt park on Isla Nublar. The security initiatives are handled by the well-known Jurassic Park company InGen. The new viral video also comes with a new information page on the official viral Masrani website, which outlines more of what InGen is doing and has done to ensure a repeat accident like the one which happened at Jurassic Park does not happen again with Jurassic World.

"There is a reason why we have the safest theme park in the world. We’ve hired the best field professionals in every discipline to ensure Jurassic World’s success — that includes security." - Simon Masrani

The video explains and shows the various measures InGen has taken to protect visitors to Jurassic World. "With a decade of excellence awards for safety, the security teams at InGen have a strict understanding of the environment and risks behind operating the world’s greatest theme park. Protected by a trained force, state-of-the-art equipment and Mascom-inspired communication technology, your visit to Jurassic World will be a treasured and secure experience."

On both the new page and near the end of the viral video we're introduced to Vincent D'onofrio's character in Jurassic World, head of InGen security, Mr. Vic Hoskins. 

"This area of the world is controlled by a multi-national coalition, and our Asset Containment teams spearhead keeping this region safe and protected. With the use of state-of-the-art equipment and communication technology provided through partnerships with various Masrani Global subsidiaries, we can do just that."

A seasoned security contractor, Vic Hoskins was involved in overseeing the infamous flying reptile "cleanup" operation over Canada in 2001. Due to the professionalism his team displayed, he was hired personally by Simon Masrani to re-develop InGen’s Security Division, which helped oversee the protection of workers on Isla Nublar during Jurassic World’s construction.

Since 2012, Vic Hoskins has been actively involved in overseeing InGen Security’s IBRIS Project.

You can check out the new viral video below and visit the new InGen Security page here on the official Masrani Global website!

Be sure to check back for more Jurassic World news updates as they're released!

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indiana jones

MemberCompsognathusFeb-11-2015 5:15 PMha, they refrance the jp sequals!...YAY!

indiana jones

MemberCompsognathusFeb-11-2015 5:28 PMreally hope that they refrance Muldoon (new episode is in the works)
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