Jurassic World Movies

New Jurassic World Teaser Trailer Released! Tons of New Footage Revealed!

Scified2015-03-29 18:32:31https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/4166286839527075.png
Written by Chris1,712 Reads10 Comments2015-03-29 18:32:31

A brand new Jurassic World teaser trailer has been released and packs a ton of new footage, primarily focusing on the Park's Indominus Rex. Interestingly enough, near the end of the trailer as well, you can hear the iconic Tyrannosaurus Rex roar in the background - but no sign of the T-Rex on-screen yet. Seems as though Universal agreed with most of the fans here, who suggested the Rex's roar be teased in the background, but no footage actually be shown. Watch the trailer below!


What did you think? Let us know in the comments section! It's likely April 8th will bring an extended version of this trailer and its footage. So be sure to check back then for when it's released!

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Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMar-29-2015 6:40 PM

Oh those poor Apatosaurs...


amaze balls


MemberStegosaurusMar-29-2015 6:41 PM

^I think those were Gallimimus.


MemberStegosaurusMar-29-2015 6:42 PM

She had a sibling and she ate it?! That should be you're first sign that the Indominus Rex is a monster.


MemberCompsognathusMar-29-2015 7:00 PM

too bad i will be out of the country when this comes out... sad day for me, but indominous looks like it will be huge, maybe bigger than ol rexy??


MemberCompsognathusMar-29-2015 7:07 PM

Is the Indominus Rex in the aviary at 0:22? 


And Boostedbmw1993 Yes it is bigger than the tyrannosaurus; it was confirmed when a leaked scene of a trailer shows Dr. Wu saying it was made to be bigger than T-Rex.


AdminIndoraptorMar-29-2015 7:28 PM

Screenshots now available HERE!


MemberCompsognathusMar-30-2015 1:51 AM

@Neelzilla: Looks like it, as I see a Dimorphodon sitting there: 



Great Leonopteryx

MemberCompsognathusMar-30-2015 4:19 AM

so they create 2 I-rexes?

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMar-30-2015 7:13 AM

Indominus rex is insane. Literally. They thought they were just creating a hybrid dinosaur, but they created a monster. On top of that, it is the first of its kind, and born into captivity. It does not know how to behave at all. All it has is instinct, and built-in biological behavior. And even that is not natural...its manufacturered.

The "she ate it" line is fantastic, as its the first glimpse inside the nitty gritty. 

indiana jones

MemberCompsognathusApr-01-2015 3:30 PM

there not monsters, Peter Zanetti, there just animals. Think of i-rex as a big lizzard.

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