Jurassic World Movies

New Jurassic World set photos suggest we'll re-visit locations from Jurassic Park!

Scified2014-04-21 12:53:24https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/2542693305713421.png
Written by Chris3,891 Reads9 Comments2014-04-21 12:53:24

A series of new Jurassic World set photos suggest that we may be re-visiting some old locations from the first Jurassic Park movie. The photos depict a secretive and rusted-looking building, hidden behind dense foliage, almost like a bunker. The photos came to us, courtesy of Reel Tours Hawaii, and can be viewed below:

The third photo down, on the right, you can notice bars, potentially the side of a large cage. The rest of the facility looks to be some kind of laboratory, but definitely not a place for "tour guests".

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MemberCompsognathusApr-21-2014 1:51 PM

I don't believe this is the bunker from the original film, Its missing characteristics, Its also more triangle shape (The rest is below surface) 


The rest... Could be anthing, Fair chance its a lab...


The dinosaurs on Site A were dependant on lysine. (So was the Site B's dinosaurs, they found a way to bypass it, thus they are alive) Site A, didn't have a way for the dinosaurs to bypass the lysine deficantcy, So, they probably all died... 


Patel Corp, Most likely owns Site B (Buying out Ingen would give you the rights to that land) Because the dinosaurs are still there, they can't raise dinosaurs there... 



But... THey require hundreds of births, just for one live one... 





JP Carnotaur

MemberCompsognathusApr-21-2014 2:20 PM

Looks to me like the "Carnotaurus" enclosure or the new dinosaur enclosure. This is because it looks more like a quarantine pen where Beth (Brice Dallas Howard) is keeping the new dinosaur untill it escapes. Thats what I believe it is.


MemberCompsognathusApr-21-2014 7:41 PM

I don't want to burst anyone's bubble here but on Reel Tours' twitter account, they have the fourth image from above and the caption is: hard at work on dinosaur enclosure. So obviously this is a NEW part or a renovation of an old part


MemberCompsognathusApr-22-2014 2:43 AMEven though I think these buildings aren't parts/bunkers from the first JP, I hope they show us how the old park looks like 20 years later.


MemberCompsognathusApr-22-2014 6:05 AM

It could be fixing up of the old raptor pen

King DinoDave

MemberCompsognathusApr-22-2014 10:04 AM

This most certainly looks like an abandoned location, built by InGen, for use during the first movie's timeperiod. Open for lots of speculation as to its use then and now, whether that be renovation or not, but it definitely isn't new in terms of age. 

Perhaps a kid gets lost during a tour and the search team winds up here.

What can be seen in image one is an electric cable hidden among the branches, maybe as part of an electric fence. 

The building has a staircase with a railing leading to a double doorway which has an awning overhead. Such construction usually infers some importance utility-wise, but not necessarily for public use.


MemberCompsognathusApr-22-2014 4:01 PM

I've always found movie production to be so interesting. Does that mailbox in the bottom picture imply that the crew can recieve mail at that location? haha.

Oh yeah and I can't wait to watch this movie. I'm wondering how good of a potential there is for a new spin off series of movies. I'd like to see at least 2 more if possible. But I guess we'll have to wait and see how good this one will be first.


MemberCompsognathusApr-23-2014 1:41 AM

Really looking forward to this, hope they do the franchise justice!


Anyhow, I really do want to see some abandoned/ruined structures from the origional film to tie it all together nicely (maybe remnants of the collapsed rex paddock fencing)

Looking at the second picture, there appear to be thick metal poles going vertically (almost centre and to the right, the dark grey) that then slant at a slight angle inwards - the way they bend inwards reminds me of the raptor pen (here: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ovfsvNR043M/UK5n13yGRYI/AAAAAAAAAR4/CzcdcCbi2C8/s1600/RaptorPen.jpg) so I'm wondering if it could be a lab with attached pen or something? Also it does look quite dilapidated in the images though it is hard to tell. Maybe abandoned?

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusApr-27-2014 8:33 AM

It's a feeder. 

The odd shaped & small barred area right off the building looks exactly like a feeder for large animals. 

There was a scene in JP the novel with this building. Walk out of the building and there is an attached area surrounded by bars where the hay/feed can be safely pushed through to dinosaurs on the other side, while the handlers themselves remain inside the bars. 


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