Jurassic World Movies

New Jurassic World Poster Released, New Trailer Lands on Monday!

Scified2015-04-17 10:45:22https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/1591276029337863.jpg
Written by Gavin1,642 Reads2 Comments2015-04-17 10:45:22

When you think about it, it is funny that the new villain Dinosaur for the upcoming Jurassic World, the Indominus Rex is being referred to as a hybrid, when all of the Dinosaurs that will populate the new park, and all of the Dinosaurs in the franchise to date are, by their very nature, hybrids - being a combination of 'Dino DNA' and Amphibian DNA. With many paleontologists now believing that many well known Dinosaurs such as the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor were in fact feathered, their big screen depictions are not only inaccurate but essentially abominations. While some Jurassic Park/World fans may rever the on screen T. Rex, the truth is the real life creature was probably closer in appearance to an Ostrich than what we see on the big screen. Of course, it is also common knowledge that real Velociraptors were not much bigger than a Turkey. On the subject of hybrids, maybe fans will like the new poster that has just been released, and is said to be the first of three. Oh and according to director Colin Trevorrow, fans will get to see the new trailer on Monday 20th April...


Thanks to Danielosaurus for the heads up!

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MemberStegosaurusApr-17-2015 11:19 AM

Innacurate hybrids or not, it is still a good franchise. And while a feathered T-rex is more accurate to the real creature, it just wouldn't look as intimidating on screen.

Primal King

MemberCompsognathusApr-17-2015 5:44 PM

The Amphibian DNA was just a tool to show the "Life finds a way" theme. It really wouldn't have affected the animal's appearance that much, and I heard that from an actual geneticist. So, everyone should stop making the dinosaurs look like they are complete atrocities. The Tyrannosaurus just as likely had scales as it did feathers. We've found skin imprints of both on assorted genera related to T. rex. So that is not really inaccurate. As for the Raptors, they most likely had them, we just don't have true evidence they did. So I give the benefit of the doubt to JW. Just wanted to bring that up to inform on the forums. Really cool poster!

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