Jurassic World Movies

New Jurassic World Movie Still Teases the Discovery of the Original Jurassic Park Visitor Centre!

Scified2015-05-27 11:39:19https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/89828692052314.png
Written by Chris1,833 Reads3 Comments2015-05-27 11:39:19

The marketing for Jurassic World continues to heat up with new reveals and movie stills from the film hitting the web almost daily! Today, the official Jurassic Park Facebook page released a new movie still featuring Zach played by Nick Robinson, holding a makeshift torch, looking at a wall with the mural of a Velociraptor painted on it. The tagline for the picture is "You Bred Raptors?". From the trailers and TV spots so far, we know that Zach and Gray (Ty Simpkins) find an opening in Jurassic World's permitere fencing, which leads them into the Restricted Zone. From there they have a run-in with the Indominus Rex and some other wild Dinosaurs roaming the jungles of Isla Nublar, before finally stumbling upon the original Visitor Centre from the first Jurassic Park.

This photo, given the aged look of the surroundings, would suggest this is a shot from when Zach and Gray venture inside the original Visitor Centre and explore the ruins of the old park. The mural looks like the one seen in the cafeteria from the first film, where Tim and Lex enjoyed some desert before their meal was interrupted by one of the Velociraptors - forcing them to hide in the Kitchen. 

What do you think of this still? Does it reveal too much? Or does it get you even more hyped for Jurassic World's world-wide release next month? Let me know your thoughts and opinions below!

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MemberCompsognathusMay-27-2015 4:25 PM

Y'know what'd be great, If zach and gray find the plates Lex and Tim left outbefore the raptors found them. I know it'd only be for like, a split second, But much like JJ abrams hiding Jar jars bones into the desert, it'd be a nice nod to the first film. 


MemberCompsognathusMay-27-2015 8:40 PM

So much nostalgia!!!!!!! I am loving what is happening with this money.


MemberStegosaurusMay-28-2015 11:02 AM

You know what would be awesome. If they went into the kitchen and found the frozen body of the raptor Tim and Lex locked in the freezer.

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