Jurassic World Movies

New Jurassic World Movie Still Emulates A Classic Jurassic Park Scene!

Scified2015-04-25 10:33:20https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/4474026859097193.png
Written by Chris1,946 Reads4 Comments2015-04-25 10:33:20

A new Jurassic World movie still has been discovered and shared online. The still features Chris Pratt's Owen Grady, Bryce Dallas Howard's Claire Dearing, Ty Simpkin's Gray and Nick Robinson's Zach as they all huddle together in fear. As Claire, Zach and Gray stand behind Owen, it's clear this scene will be very reminiscent of of the scene at the end of Jurassic Park where Ellie, Tim and Lex stand behind Grant as they face death by Raptor before the T-rex saves the day. But instead of Raptors, could the four main characters of Jurassic World be facing death by Indominus Rex this time before the iconic T-Rex once again saves the day? We can only hope... Check out the new still below, once a more HD version is available, we'll be sure to edit this post.

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Here's a comparison of the new still and the scene we mentioned above, by Twitter user, leandro_calvo:

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Thanks to Josh on Twitter for the find! Let us know what you think in the comments section!

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MemberCompsognathusApr-25-2015 2:19 PM

Well if you compare the two stills you can see that in the JP still the group is looking up at Rexy towering above them, but in the JW still they are looking at something directly in fron of them. I don't know what's going to happen in this scene, but my guess is that they are looking at velociraptors or something else around that size.

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-25-2015 4:07 PM

Actually, they were looking at a Velociraptor jumping for them in JP. As for the JW one, can't wait to see that scene.

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusApr-25-2015 4:27 PM

Hm. Owen doesn't seem scared at all.


It appears that they're standing in the Raptor Paddock or a hatchery of some sort. Maybe some sort of raptor?


MemberCompsognathusApr-25-2015 10:53 PM

@Lord Vader Well from one Jp fan to another I see it as my duty to rejog your memory...


As you can see the group from JP is looking up at Rexy munching down on a velociraptor, but yeah 'm stoked for this scene as well.

@Sci-Fi King25 omg what if the reason Owen isn't scared is because one of his raptors that proves to be loyal jumps in to save the day.

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