Jurassic World Movies

NEW Jurassic World LEGO Videogame Teaser Released & Vincent D’Onofrio talks more Jurassic World!

Scified2015-03-15 12:36:56https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/315886268879743.png
Written by Chris2,125 Reads2 Comments2015-03-15 12:36:56

A new teaser trailer for the upcoming Jurassic World LEGO videogame has hit the web and teases the tagline "Something Big Is Coming" - hinting at a potential new, full length trailer down the road. The teaser features the iconic Tyrannosaurus Rex roar from Jurassic Park as well as some poor unsuspecting Park rangers preparing for a run-in with some hungry Dinosaurs. Check out the new trailer below!

The Jurassic World LEGO videogame will release this June and will be available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo 3DS, Xbox One, Wii U, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation Vita.

In related news, Vincent D’Onofrio, who plays the head of security at InGEN in Jurassic World, recently sat down with Collider to discuss more about what it was like taking part in such a high profile blockbuster, in addition to his work on the new DareDevil! Read on for an excerpt of his Jurassic World comments below:

How cool is it to also be a part of something as hugely epic as Jurassic World? Do you enjoy getting to be a part of something that massive, or is it just totally bizarre to be on a set like that?

D’ONOFRIO: It’s both of those things. It feels great because you’re there. It’s a really good script, and Colin Trevorrow, the director, is just a really great guy. He really brought it. I just knew immediately with him. I loved his movie, Safety Not Guaranteed, so I knew I was in really good hands. You’re right, you walk around these sets and you see something from one of the other movies, and you’re like, “Oh, shit!” It’s exactly the way you think it would be. It has this real cool factor to it. It was cool because my 22-year-old and my 15-year-old were able to come and visit set, hang out and see the park. The 7-year-old is too young to get it.

Do your kids think you’re the coolest now, or have they always thought you were a cool dad?

D’ONOFRIO: That’s a good question. I hope they think that I’m cool. They like the fact that I’ve done Daredevil and Jurassic. I think it’s the first time that I’ve ever done movies they can actually see, except for Adventures in Babysitting, but that was a long time ago. Now, my 22-year-old can see everything I’ve done, but my 15-year-old hasn’t been able to see anything, at all. But yeah, I hope I’m a super cool dad.

Thanks to RTH for the heads up on the LEGO video and Collider for the interview!

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MemberCompsognathusMar-15-2015 2:58 PM

Aight, So it opens up with the raptor scene, The first scene that built the franchise.


I'd expect a little more in quality but hey, I've been waiting for a Lego Jurassic park game for a long time, This will do fine. 


MemberCompsognathusMar-15-2015 6:11 PM

The Facebook page says that "It could no longer be contained. Tomorrow, get your first peek behind the gates of LEGO Jurassic World."

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