Jurassic World Movies

New Jurassic World Figures Revealed

Scified2015-05-14 06:32:19https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/190522352963428.jpg
Written by Infinite Earths6,951 Reads1 Comments2015-05-14 06:32:19

Following in the steps of past Jurassic Park toy lines, Hasbro has revealed the first repaints for their newly released Jurassic World series. Although we're pretty sure more will follow, the first repaints to be unveiled are the Basher T-rex and Stegoceratops.

We're loving the new colors on both of these. The Stegoceratops gets some browns and whites, while the Rex is clearly inspired by the animal that appeared in Jurassic Park III.

Hasbro has also released new in-package image of the upcoming Basher Dilophosaurus and Ceratosaurus, which also appears to sport a look similar to the dinosaur briefly seen in Jurassic Park III.

Again, these look good, but they are nothing compared to the beauty posted below...

Granted, we saw the Stomp & Strike Tyrannosaurus at Toy Fair in February, but that was a prototype who has clearly gotten a new coat of paint since then. Aside from featuring multiple sound effects, this big boy features one of the most beautiful, and screen accurate paint jobs to ever grace a Jurassic Park figure. It won't take fans long to see the uncanny resemblance to the dinosaur seen in the first film from 1993. With some liberties taken, of course.

Still, this one is slick and easily one of the best JP dinos we've ever seen.

Look for these to hit retail later this year.

This is all well and good, Hasbro, really, they look great. However, we still find ourselves asking where are the 3.75" human figures? Where is Owen with his motorcycle? Hoskins? Zack and Gary? You can't have a Jurassic Park line without proper human figures, please, please, PLEASE tell us you have something planned!

Still, really great looking dinosaurs. That much we'll say.

Source: JP Toys

Until next time, Infinite Earths fans!  

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Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2015 7:33 AM

Saw the Bashers line at Toys r Us...refused to buy. They were cheap garbage.

The Growlers are much more impressive, but only Blue and Dimorphodon were available.

Holding out for the Stomp and Strike Tyrannosaur, which looks promising.

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