Jurassic World Movies

New Indominus Rex promo pic suggests T. rex and Raptor DNA in I. rex's creation

Scified2015-04-26 18:21:23https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/6449731785473932.jpg
Written by Gojira2K5,239 Reads1 Comments2015-04-26 18:21:23

Long has it been suggested that Raptor DNA andT. rex DNA, as well as Cuttlefish and Snake DNA, were used to create Indominus Rex. When Indominus Rex's profile page opened up on JurassicWorld.com, the theory was disproved. Instead the page suggested that Indominus Rex was made from Carnotaurus, Majungasaurus, Rugops, and Giganotosaurus. Well, it seems that the previous theory might still hold some ground. This new promo pic was released today, showing Indominus Rex fighting an Ankylosaurus:

As you can see in the lower left hand corner, it shows two images of T. rex and Velociraptor being combined, but being described as an "Unstable Sequence". Does this mean that Indominus Rex has T. rex and Raptor DNA as well as Carnotaurus, Majungasaurus, Rugops, and Giganotosaurus DNA? Or is it only one of the combinations?

It should also be worth noting that the T. rex image is not one that we have seen in any promo art whatsoever. It is a silhouette of this Vastatosaurus Rex image, from Peter Jackson's 2005 King Kong:

It is the same with the Raptor image, although I can't find a corresponding image for it. This is very strange since they are in entirely different universe's. Although this could be just Universal using these images because they fit better on the image. I guess we'll find out the answer's to all these questions on June 12th when Jurassic World opens in theaters.

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Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusApr-27-2015 12:53 PM

Hm. I assumed it had raptor in there, explaining its intelligence and long arms.

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