Jurassic World Movies

New Action-Packed Jurassic World Footage Shown at CinemaCon 2015!

Scified2015-04-23 18:04:57https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/7132360296736805.png
Written by Chris1,876 Reads2 Comments2015-04-23 18:04:57

Universal Studios, Colin Trevorrow and Chris Pratt were in attendance at CinemaCon 2015 today to debut some footage from Jurassic World to get audiences hyped for the film when it comes roaring into cinemas on June 11th/June 12th. According to attendee accounts, below are descriptions of what these new, extended clips had to offer. We must warn readers however, some of these desciptions may contain spoilersIt is unlikely that the clips shown today at CinemaCon will be shown to the public, however, if any of them do find their way online, you can expect we'll be one of the first to have them posted! So be sure to checkback constantly for daily Jurassic World updates!

Here are accounts of the Jurassic World scenes shown during CinemaCon, described to us by BadassDigest:

The opening of the footage had a pig running through tall grass, and a guy on a security catwalk yelling “We have an animal on the loose” and leaning over a railing to attempt to catch the pig in a noose. But a raptor leaps in from out of frame, pulling the guy off the catwalk, and he lays on the ground surrounded by hungry raptors. Cue Chris Pratt! This is the beginning of the trailer scene where he’s standing in front of the raptors, hand outstretched, keeping them at bay. He saves the guy. Why the guy was trying to save a pig, which was clearly intended as food anyway, is beyond me.

The next bit of newish footage was an extended piece of the Indominus Rex escape. Pratt and another dude run through some closing door, chased closely by the dino, who smashes through the door. Pratt hides under a car, the other guy behind one. The dino sniffs around and picks up the car, exposing the hiding guy - who sits there holding his knees until the Indominus eats him whole. It next turns its attention towards Pratt, who thinks quick and cuts the fuel line on the car, dousing himself in gas so the beast can’t smell him. The footage reveals that Bryce Dallas Howard is playing the stock clueless admin who thinks that they can contain this monster once it has escaped, but it becomes quickly clear that nothing is stopping it, and it also becomes clear that the Indominus is killing other dinos for fun, serial killer style.

There was some other action footage, including a soldier firing on the charging Indominus, which just gulps him right down, and a helicopter opening fire on the jungle below. Also extended: the bit where the pteronadon picks up the lady in the middle of a shopping area in the park. In this clip the dino drops her into the mosasaur tank, and the mosasaur jumps up and eats them both.

Be sure to read the entire thing over on BadassDigest if you want to learn more about what was shown!

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Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusApr-24-2015 1:52 PM

Jurassic World is going to be the first Jurassic Park film to kill of a woman. :o


MemberStegosaurusApr-26-2015 1:47 PM

^My gosh, you're right! This will be the first time a woman is killed in a Jurassic Park movie.

Also, Pteronadon is not a dinosaur. It is a flying reptile. Calling it a dino is completely inaccurate.

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