Jurassic World Movies

More Jurassic World Set Photos Reveal New Visitor Centre?

Scified2014-04-24 22:26:32https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/5056505876628081.png
Written by Chris2,066 Reads16 Comments2014-04-24 22:26:32

As production on Jurassic World continues to heat up on the tropical island of Hawaii, more and more on-set photos are making their way online. Yesterday, director Colin Trevorrow and crew filmed what seems to be one of the opening sequences for the film, in which Helicopters chauffer guests to the new park, - very reminiscent of the opening sequence in Jurassic Park when we're first introduced to Isla Nublar. Thanks to our friends at Reel Tours Hawaii, we've got a few new photos to share, of film crew in Helicopters, gathering aeriel shots, most likely for a similar opening shot of the island as the landing pad comes into view.

In addition to these awesome set photos, speculation is building that the Hawaii Convention centre is being used as the main building for the new park in Jurassic World. Not only does the overall design of the structure ressemble the concept artwork created by Nathan Schroeder, but locals are reporting seeing film crew and construction sites popping up at various locations. Could this be the new visitor centre? Check out this comparison photo below, and let us know what you think by commenting below!

Just to feed the speculation even more, here are some photos from inside the convention centre, which clearly shows green screens being set up:

Big thank you to our friends at Reel Tours Hawaii for the pics. If you haven't liked them on Facebook yet, I strongly recommend that you do!

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Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-25-2014 1:57 AMThat's incredibly fascinating! I can't wait to see the finished product! :)


MemberCompsognathusApr-25-2014 6:37 AM

“It’s about alpha dominance and the fact that humans have been the alpha species for a very long time", he explained, "and so now we’ve brought back another that happened to be the alpha species during its time, and we have to co-exist, so what is that relationship?”

Well, here's my take on "Director Trevorrow's Quote":

It is true that, at present, humans are the most dominant ALPHA SPECIES. We have gained and developed higher intelligence (GOD being the highest) amongst other known species. Dinosaurs were once the ALPHA and ruled the earth for millions of years in the past. And apparently, they lived much longer than we do. But what do we really know about DINOSAURS? What is their true level of intelligence and How did they manage to live very successfully? We know for a fact that what we have are just pure theories. THERE IS NO CONCRETE EVIDENCE. All we can do is to have optimum scientific guesses and be amazed on what we can discover about them.

To be a DOMINANT ALPHA SPECIES, one has to be intelligent. BE SMARTER THAN THE OTHER. In the first three movies, they'd shown the intellectual capacity of Dinosaurs (based on theories):

JP1: They can open doors... They can break into mirrors... They can work in coordination as a team (talking about raptors here)... They are fast and agile. They are very fascinating.

JP2: They can nurture and protect their young (T-rex & stegosaurus scenes). They did live in herds / family groups.

JP3: Dr. Grant said, "Dinosaurs are smarter than dolphins, THEY ARE SMARTER THAN PRIMATES". They can even communicate with each other. They can set a trap.

"If"Dinosaurs will be brought back to life through de-extinction and will somehow pose a threat to us, with human population and technological advances especially in weaponry that we have right now, clearly, dinosaurs are outnumbered and won't even stand a chance to survive. They will just fall in human traps and will always end up in a zoo. Because, WE ARE SMARTER THAN THEM. That's what we think.. Because we are the dominant ALPHA SPECIES. They are just animals? Right?


"What if" Dinosaurs are SMARTER than what we think they were?

"What if" Dinosaurs know HOW TO LEARN?


or maybe in a lesser degree, "What if" Dinosaurs and Human have the same level of intelligence?

Well, now, that's a completely different story... With such kind of intelligence, DINOSAURS can do really pose a big threat to our existence and in a long way, they can possibly reclaim the dominance being the ALPHA SPECIES. And we might face our own extinction. And from that, we will learn our lesson that, NO ONE IS ABOVE GOD, so don't play like God. Because everything that we do against His will and against the will of nature is certainly have consequences.

Well, just a thought......

BUT... whatsoever, I'm really looking forward to this new movie and the sequels to come. I hope they can really do justice to this well-loved franchise. I'm really excited!!!

-nyke noble


MemberCompsognathusApr-25-2014 8:32 AM

That means the Concept art was real...


I feel that colin has cut corners on this...


The last VC, was an actual building... This is... A convention center, Being used as an excuse for a scene...




MemberCompsognathusApr-25-2014 9:03 AM

Also, This  "Mono Rail" Seems, fairly useless... I mean, Do you remember the "Incredibles" Thats all that I Recall, that ahd a mono rail, as crazy as that!


This is a dinosaur park... Not a rollar coaster...   



I feel Justice will not be done to this film...


MemberCompsognathusApr-25-2014 9:19 AM

Jebus, calm down, everything will look ccompletely different with cgi and if you were clued in you would of noticed the green screens!! This film will be EPIC, negative people are all we need,i mean really?


MemberCompsognathusApr-25-2014 10:45 AM

I have to agree with Paden if that IS the new visitor centor i'll be pretty bummed out, it just doesn't look right, i mean the original visitor center was iconic that building is pretty generic. I have to say I don't really like all of Colin's decisions so far. Hopefully the movie is amazing but I havn't seen anything yet tto make me think so. His previous move Safety Not Gaurenteed was ridiculously overrated and the casting of this movie was even questionable. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it turns out.


MemberCompsognathusApr-25-2014 11:08 AM

Qualty Is important...


This is the Jurassic Park Franchise were talking about... We don't need for it too all go down hill... 


You could take, The best script ever... But, Not have enough or, Not good enough Set for it... It ruins it...


Its what makes it believeable...


I just don't have much faith In colins choices... 


MemberCompsognathusApr-25-2014 12:53 PM

la verdad es que esto es muy interesante, y nos deja con mucha intriga al respecto, pero algo es seguro, ya se sabe que en esta nueva pelicula regresaran a la vieja isla nublar y tendremos la precensia de nuevos dinosaurios que por los visto seran muy diferentes a las anteriores peliculas, talvez inteligentes, nuevas especies o ocurra algo muy distinto, todo esto es realmente interesante.


MemberCompsognathusApr-25-2014 3:23 PM



De hecho, creo que podemos ver algo así en el futuro ...

Fugas recientes sugieren, fue algo creado para el entretenimiento ... Y es tan temible, Usted querrá "Deje las luces encendidas" A medida que nos dijeron por Jack Horner.


*English Version*

Indeed, I Believe we may see something Like that in the future...

Recent Leaks suggest, It was something created for Entertainment... And Is so scary, You'll want to "Leave the lights on" As we were told by Jack Horner.


MemberCompsognathusApr-25-2014 6:04 PM

Looks interesting, though I'm a little skeptical. Whats the budget for this movie, isnt it around the 200 million mark? If so, the quality they should achieve should be good in terms of sets etc


MemberCompsognathusApr-25-2014 6:33 PM

As for me, I am really excited and confident about this sequel. So far, it seems to me they are thinking and planning this movie way more than they did the disastrous JPIII, in terms of plot, scenery, development, sense, everything.

I can't wait to see the final product and I am sure it will at least make much more sense than the third movie did. Apart from the Rex x Spino fight scene in Johnston's sequel, I disregard all the rest in that movie.  


MemberCompsognathusApr-26-2014 8:43 AM

People who are disagreeing need to stop posting on this website cause this is a site to get us pumped for the next epic JP sequel. For people doubting the convention center as the VC, just give it some time. I`m pretty sure that they're only using a section of it to use as some external shots and NOT the full VC. As for people doubting Colin's decisions, just wait till the movie comes out to make you judgement. Remember JP3? It was great.... just didn't have a great story and plot that matched the JP expectations. If it was a different film for a different movie title, it would've been awesome. And colin is making sure he's making the movie that EVERYONE deserves. The only thing that would be a bit of a let down is if the park isn't called Jurassic Park. If it was called Jurassic World... I would be a tad dissapointed but I`ll get over it. #HoldOnToYourButts


MemberCompsognathusApr-26-2014 10:24 PM

A group of my friends were extras. No spoilers here but that set was a hotel lobby interior with a monorail outside. 


MemberCompsognathusApr-26-2014 10:30 PM

How dare anyone say they are bumed because they aren't building a set vistor center. GUYS YOU ALL HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THE FINISHED PRODUCT WILL EVEN LOOK LIKE! JUSt Stop it already. I'm sick of it. Everyone complaining expecting this to be Jurassic park 1. THIS IS NOT JP1 There will be no Grant, No Ian, No ford explorers, ex... Get over it, its a new movie. Let them freaking work on it. We don;t need your negative opinions on what you want it to be. They know more then you, they are making the movie. Let them work thier magic.

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2014 5:59 AM

I have lost faith now...


...in every single 14 year old poster that has no idea how movies are made. 


If you never saw this shot and just saw the finished product, you'd be wowed. None of you have even the slightest clue what you're talking about, so reel it in for crying out loud.


MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2014 8:01 PM





Do not accuse people, of not knowing anything... You'd be suprised, how much one single person Behind a computer, Can know...


To help stablize my point... 


Think about it like this...


Would you rather see, A vistor center, Completely green screened, Nothing, of it is real, Even the interior is Green screened...


Or, would you like to see a real one... One you can, feel the depth of... See it with your own eyes, And not be tricked...


Because someone, Does not have faith, Does not mean, you need to cyber yell at them...


We can have our oppinons. I'm looking at this, From a Non-Biased-Fan boy, Point of view... This is from the Movie Critic me...


I have a different Idea of how this movie could be shot...  I don't believe in CGI, I believe its cutting corners, its computer generated... Its shows your willing to invest months of work into a computer, Then having actual craftsmenship, In something thats real (Like the JP Animatronics...)


This movie is under scrutiny, Because Of JP 1, That was the key footing of the whole franchise... It is what the movie is compared to, Think about it, JP 2, AND JP3 are always compared to JP1...

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