Jurassic World Movies

Masrani Global Reveal Future Plans & New Attractions for Jurassic World in 2018!

Scified2015-05-03 11:24:18https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/388237724021701.png
Written by Chris3,868 Reads5 Comments2015-05-03 11:24:18

The viral marketing website for Universal Pictures' Jurassic World, Masrani Global has just added a new update featuring Bryce Dallas Howard's Claire Dearing discussing new rides and plans for the future of Jurassic World. As we're already aware, Claire views Jurassic World and its attractions as nothing more than assets and seeks to continue introducing new attractions to the park to maintain high enthusiasm from the public and boost overall profits for Masrani and their subsidiaries. One of these new attractions mentioned is called "Treetop Grazers" and would give park visitors a chance to get up close to various Sauropods, like the Brachiosaurus seen in the first Jurassic Park

"Scientists are often challenged by the risks involved in executing grand concepts," explains Claire. "Many at InGen doubted the likelihood of a successful hybrid, but here we are just one month away and she's more than we imagined. We will closely monitor visitor response and gauge the consumer's appetite for future experiences, taking Jurassic World into a new era."

"But as we seek to recreate the past, we can't forget to innovate", Claire adds. "We have several new rides in the conceptual phase with Axis Boulder. Our most evolved, the 'Treetop Gazers', has an ETA sometime in 2018." - Masrani Global

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Michael Ryan Moss

MemberCompsognathusMay-03-2015 12:37 PM

I hope this would be a better attractions, instead of Indominus Rex. If I were others, I would've go into Jurassic Wrld and check it out with my peeps.


MemberCompsognathusMay-03-2015 4:08 PM

The Treetop Gazers attraction looks awesome. I hope it makes a cameo in the movie because it would really add a unique vibe to the film that this is Jurassic World.

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusMay-03-2015 4:39 PM

Personally, I think the park should've added a couple new prehistoric animals and attractions like this instead of a hybrid.


MemberCompsognathusMay-03-2015 5:53 PM

Wow. It is just amazing how authentic the Masrani Global and Jurassic World websites seem. It's like it's a real park and company! I even applied for an internship here!

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-04-2015 2:07 PM

This was probably one of the film ideas that didn't make the final draft.

Would have been cool to see in action.

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