Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World's Indominus Rex Attacks Pterosaurs & The Raptor Squad Sport Some Headgear in Latest TV Spot!

Scified2015-05-26 16:59:15https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/5061794242618674.png
Written by Chris2,140 Reads0 Comments2015-05-26 16:59:15

A twentieth TV spot for Jurassic World debuted today and comes packed with a few new cut-scenes as well as edited scenes from previous spot and trailers. Fans following the film's marketing campaign will notice both improved CGI renderings of the park's Dinosaurs as well as new takes of some previous scenes - like the one with Owen (Chris Pratt) riding his motorcycle with his Raptor Squad, the Raptors in this TV spot are equipped with their camera-mounted headgear as they traverse the jungles of Isla Nublar, hunting for the escaped Indominus Rex. There's also a scene where Owen is briefing what looks to be the ACU officers, on the Raptors and how they're pack hunters. The Tv spot seems to try and explain Owen's relationship with the Raptors a little more, offering other cut-scenes of when Gray (Ty Simkins) asks him who the alhpa is in the pack, to which Own replies "You're lookin' at him, kid."

The other cut-scenes also somewhat put to rest the idea that the Indominus Rex was "communicating" with the Pterosaurs in the Aviray. In this new spot, you can see the Indominus Rex is trying to bite the fleeing Pterosaurs. Whether it did this try to eat them or shuttle them out of the Aviary is still unknown, but the likelyhood of the Indominus Rex communicating with the Pterosaurs is unlikely. Since it has Raptor DNA encoded in its genetics, the chances of it communicating with Owen's Raptors seems more likely.

Check out the new spot below and let us know what you think in the comments section!

Thanks to Tyrannwright in the Jurassic World forum for the link!

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