Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World Trailer Description Potentially Leaked Online!

Scified2014-10-06 13:24:32https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/4847946142719475.png
Written by Chris4,641 Reads13 Comments2014-10-06 13:24:32

As with many high profile films, prior to releasing a trailer in theaters, studios will often gather feedback from movie goers on various trailer selections they've created to help gauge what to show so that the promotion has the most impact on its audience as possible. This is once again the case with Jurassic World so it seems, as multiple sources have claimed to have been privvy to an early screening of a Jurassic World teaser trailer. One such lucky fan, Ivan Flores uploaded a description video to YouTube where he recollects the scenes, atmosphere and music shown during his brief, private screening. 

Below we've summarized his description, however it is important to note that the trailer version he saw may differ from the one we all will see in the coming months, as Universal gathers feedback, it's possible edits will be made - especially since throughout the video, Ivan mentions that the CGI is clearly unfinished. However for the sake of discussion, here's what was described:

The trailer opens up showing the Universal and Legendary studio logos, followed by a cut to a ferry full of tourists anxiously awaiting their arrival to a vast island of the coast of Costa Rica, Isla Nublar. As a few cutscenes go by we see a a vehicle pass through massive gates, similar to that of Jurassic Park, but the banner reads "Jurassic World" instead. Cutscene title credits also periodically fade in, the first reading "The Park" and the second reading "Is Open".

We also apparently see a clear, bubble shaped vehicle driving on an open field like in The Lost World, however the vehicle is surrounded by friendly, bipedal Dinosaurs and the scene envokes a relaxed feel much like a safari instead of the hunt/chase seen in JP2.

Following a couple more cutscenes we're shown a massive shark (presumably a Great White) strung up in a harness over a massive tank of water. As the camera pans away we see a massive set of jaws break through the surface of the water in an explosive manner, before snatching the relatively small shark in its massive, crocodile-like jaws. The camera pans to show guests getting showered with water - much like a Sea-World attraction.

Following the shark scene, we apparently see a close-up up a mosquito preserved in amber - exactly like in Jurassic Park; with Bryce Dallas Howard's voice in the background saying something along the lines of "We've learned more about genetics in the past decade than we have in the past century" followed by "We can now create our own Dinosaurs from scratch".

It's at this point the trailer takes a dark turn - showing Chris Pratt's militant-type character entering a room to investigate a dangerous situation which has come up at the park. The cutscenes show of a "40-foot" high enclosure, with claw marks slashed into the walls - with voices in the background saying "The creature is loose" and "She is deadly and she will find us". Following that line, we are cut to a firt-person viewpoint of someone getting dragged into the dense jungle, though we don't see by what. 

Then, the "Jurassic World" title logo fades in, then cuts to a post-title scene showing Chris Pratt putting his hands on a muzzled raptor and speaking the words "If we're gonna do this, we do this my way". He then gently pats the Raptor on the head and then the film's release date of June 12th, 2015 fades into view.

It should also be noted that throughout the trailer, the music is very reminiscent of the original Jurassic Park theme, just slower and "darker" as the trailer progresses to emphasize the suspensful and thrilling aspects of the film.

What does this confirm? Assuming this description is accurate, we know the D-Rex (or whatever they choose to refer to is as, since many rumors have circulated of the Studio changing its name again) is female and breaks loose, wrecking havoc on the park. We also know that there will be raptors used for militant purposes, lead by Chris Pratt's character.

HOWEVER - for those fretting about the "tamed raptor" scenerio, rest assured something goes wrong. We were not given exact details, however our sources have hinted at the fact that near the end of the film, something goes wrong - potentially the "mind control" tactics used to tame the raptors gets destroyed or cut off, and there WILL be raptor mayhem. Rest assured.

It is extremely unlikely that the Studio will confirm or deny this trailer description. So, considering the trailer is expected to debut in front of Interstellar - another Legendary film next month, it is likely that this description is 90% accurate to what the first Jurassic World teaser trailer will entail.

You can watch the original description video by Ivan here on YouTube

Keep it locked to Scified and JurassicWorldNews.com for all the latest updates on Jurassic World as the film's marketing kicks off! Let us know what you think of this description by commenting below!

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Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusOct-06-2014 1:35 PM

Guess we have to wait and find out for sure ;)

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusOct-06-2014 1:49 PM

This seems AWESOME! A trailer for JW is the only reason I'm going to watch the Super Bowl.


MemberCompsognathusOct-06-2014 3:00 PM

That actually sounds pretty good. I like it.


MemberCompsognathusOct-06-2014 3:33 PM

Chris, Can you Maybe provide a Link to the Trailer when It probably hits the net Next month. (If it's going to premiere it's trailer on Instellar, The Teaser/Trailer has to end up somewhere...) 


Thanks Either way.



Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexOct-06-2014 4:38 PM

How very excellent! I can't wait for this film! :)

Great Leonopteryx

MemberCompsognathusOct-07-2014 1:49 AM

what a lucky guy

Mech Rodan

MemberCompsognathusOct-07-2014 5:41 AM

I can't wait to see the army of raptor! (when the start killing humans ;) This trailer does sound cool and I wonder if we will actually see any of the animals. We may get a head shot of the raptor but what about a look at visitors staring at some dinosaurs?

indiana jones

MemberCompsognathusOct-07-2014 9:43 AM

i hope there wont be any "tame" raptors.


MemberTriceratopsOct-07-2014 1:07 PM

Extremely on the fence about this news. Not sure at all what to think. Thinking at the moment, raptors may be more controlled by some kind of microchip/sonic fence combo.


AdminAllosaurusOct-08-2014 4:33 AM

X Paden, of course he will provide a link when the trailer hits. XD


MemberCompsognathusOct-08-2014 1:28 PM

''If we're gonna do this, we do this my way'' that sounds a little to cheesy for me


MemberCompsognathusOct-13-2014 3:50 AM

personally i think the trailer sounds great.


the raptor being trained is expected. They are meant to be smarter than dolphins and whales according to Grant, so it makes sense for their brain power to be used to some degree. Just think if you have a raptor in a muzzle who listens to you, and then you have to go on a mission to kill an escaped dinosaur, are you going to go alone??? no ! u will take an evolutionary weapon with intellagence, the ability to hunt and stalk and now follow commands, possibly even protect u against another predator. i dont see the problem, sounds logical and bloody quality.

id love a raptor!

As long as i dont see chris pratt on the back of a TREX like a horse then il be happy. the trailer sounds class


MemberCompsognathusOct-30-2014 8:43 AM

Ha ha Better be Sooner than Later !!

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