Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World Set Visit Summaries, New Plot Details Revealed!

Scified2015-04-28 17:20:21https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/2415040047082770.png
Written by Chris2,977 Reads7 Comments2015-04-28 17:20:21

Following the exciting new images which debuted in Empire Magazine's latest Jurassic World-themed issue which goes on sale this Thursday, many big-name sites have posted lengthy write-ups about their visit to the Jurassic World filming sets last year. This article will help summarize everything that was shared and cover the important plot details which were revealed. I will say that the following information doesn't really spoil anything in the film, especially for those following this film's production as long as we have. Everything that's posted below has been green lit by Universal Studios and will not harm your enjoyment of Jurassic World when you see it in theaters in June. With that said, let's dive in!

Media sites, SlashFilm, IGN and Yahoo! had the opportunity to visit the set of Jurassic World last summer. The group were taken on a tour of various film sets including the Raptor Paddock, New Visitor Center, Old Visitor Center, Creation Lab and the main strip for the park seen in the trailers. Here's wha they learned while on-location:

The Raptor Paddock Is Practical and so are its Raptors

Though most of Jurassic World's dinosaurs will be created using CGI, a few animatronics were created for the film, most of which being for the Raptors. The film features 4 main Raptors, Owen's "Raptor Squad" as we constantly refer to it as. Each Raptor was portrayed by a different suit actor to keep movement patterns consistent with each Raptor respectively. 

The Raptor Paddock featured massive walls and catwalks as well as muzzle stations where Raptors would be harnessed so that they were safe to approach for studies and analysis. 

The Old Visitor Center will impress

Yes, we will see the old Visitor Center from Jurassic Park in Jurassic World, if you didn't already know. However, the old location has been completely overtaken by the forest around it, this area of the Island is considered the "Restricted Area" as it features free-roaming Dinosaurs - yes, Dinosaurs run free on Isla Nublar, the new park is merely one sanctioned off area, fenced in to protect visitors. It is revealed that mid-way through the film, Ty Simpkins' and Nick Robinson's characters Gray and Zach find themselves at the old Visitor Center. The classic banner and T-Rex bones are all there, the set was apparently very nostalgic for those lucky enough to have set foot on-set. SlashFilm says it was by far the most impressive set they visited.

Dr. Wu has a secret lab

Dr. Henry Wu portrayed by returning cast member BD Wong, has a secret lab, not available to the public or the Creation Lab tour. Unlike the clean, futuristic feel of the rest of the lab, Wu's secret lab is described as being very dark, realistic and features a vairety of rare reptilian creatures used for gene sequencing. This is where he conducts research and runs tests for the company, which is pushing to create new Dinosaurs in an attempt to boost visitor appeal.


Jake Johnson won't disappoint

Jake Johnson plays the role of Lowery, one of the park employees who oversees park activity, helps track visitors and Dinosaurs alike. What makes him stand out is that he is our reference to Jurassic Park. He wears a classic JP T-shirt, and constantly argues with Bryce Dallas Howard's character Claire, about the unethical problems this new park envokes as well as how uncomfortable he feels about all the corporate meddling.


Not all Dinosaurs at Jurassic World are female, that's so old school

Jurassic World is not about synthetic Dinosaurs, they're all about the "real deal". Allowing the Dinosaurs to mate in the wild and form natural relationships with one another, is an attempt to convince visitors that they are real animals, not "genetically engineered theme park monsters", as Alan Grant stipulated in Jurassic Park 3.


All Dinosaurs are tracked and so are the Park visitors

Every single Dinosaur at Jurassic World has a tracking beacon implanted on them, so that they may be tracked via the Park's control room. Even the Dinosaurs in the Restricted Area have trackers, however the level of security is minimal in those areas, no security cameras are set up to monitor them like they have at the actual park.


Rexy is back in all her epic glory

22 years later, the anti-hero Tyrannosaurus Rex from Jurassic Park is alive and well in Jurassic World. Though her age is said to be evident in her looks, there's no denying that the classic T-Rex from Jurassic Park is back, much to the appreciation by us fans. She also has a pivotal role in the film...

Vincent D'Onofrio is the bad guy

A bit of a shocker, considering he is the head of InGEN Security for Jurassic World, Vincent's character, Vic Hoskins is apparently the bad guy of the film. What that means is unclear however. Does he sabotage the park like Nedry did and plummet the park into chaos in hopes to turn over a large profit? Does he underestimate how many guns they need to keep the Dinosaurs at bay when things go wrong? Or, is he just confrontational with the film's protagonists and makes poor decisions which lead to the deaths of many people? We're not sure yet.

As you can see, nothing about the film was spoiled and the few plot details mentioned have only increased our hunger to know more. There's no denying Jurassic World will do the Jurassic franchise justice. Colin Trevorrow is a true fan at heart and has made the film, we all have been waiting for. I for one, can't wait to see Jurassic World in IMAX 3D this June. What about you?

Sources: SlashFilm, IGN, Yahoo!

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MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2015 6:31 PM

My hype for this film is rising too much. I really hope it lives up to it, and I really hope this doesn't become an underrated film if it does turn out to be better than I hope.


MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2015 7:36 PM

So Jake Johnson's Lowery will be like Ian Malcolm, Claire Dearing will be like John Hammond, Owen Grady will be like Alan Grant, and Dr. Wu will be, well, Dr. Wu.


MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2015 7:47 PM

Y'know... I really really REALLY hope they left the Visitor Center set up. So, It's like a tourist attraction...


As @ Siks said... The hype Train is full steam ahead... But watch out... Rail road tracks aren't always safe. 


MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2015 8:31 PM

This is the park we've been waiting for. They finally created a park that has a blend between a theme park in a wildlife sanctuary. The addition of an Indominus Rex is true to Michael Crichton's original novels. I hope this film paves the way to the next story of this series. As of today I turn 22, the dream of the Jurassic saga has spanned nearly my entire lifetime. so come June 12, I will be sitting in the theater like a crazed visitor wanting to see the whole park and relive the new adventure, Welcome to Jurassic World!!!


MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2015 8:54 PM

All of this info has really convinced me that this will be a good year for Jurassic World! I'm very proud and excited as a long-time JP fan! Rexy's return to the big screen will be awesome to see against the Indominus!

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusApr-29-2015 2:29 PM

I'm pretty surprised Hoskins will be the bad guy. Also, I wonder what the raptors will be like in practical effects.


MemberCompsognathusApr-30-2015 8:27 AM

The possibility of dilophosaurus cameo is rising a lot :) and maybe some other like compsognathus or are they only on site b?

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