Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World News Roundup - New Cast, Jake Johnson Interview & First look at JW Vehicles!

Scified2014-04-04 00:06:54https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/4113970687454895.png
Written by Chris2,737 Reads3 Comments2014-04-04 00:06:54

Jurassic World has rounded out its cast by adding Judy Greer, Katie McGrath and Lauren Lapkus to the cast lineup, just in time for filming to begin in Hawaii next week! THR reports that all three actresses have signed on to the project, however information regarding their roles remains to be revealed.

Judy Greer Katie McGrath Lauren Lapkus Split - H 2014

In addition to the casting update, a user on Instagram posted a photo of a Mercedes Benz, packed up for transport, supposedly to be used as some of the main vehicles in Jurassic World. The photo and caption can be seen below:

"A Mercedes heading to Honolulu for the movie Jurassic Park 4." - riviman72

...And in even more related Jurassic World news, actor Jake Johnson discussed his role in the fourth Jurassic Park movie with Vulture recently. Below is an excerpt from the interview:

So you’re in Jurassic World.

I haven’t shot it yet. I shoot at the end of July.

If you get to interact with dinosaurs, which one do you want?

Probably the T. Rex, but what I’m really excited about is the director, Colin Trevorrow, directed me in Safety Not Guaranteed. And the writer of that movie [Derek Connolly] did a rewrite on Jurassic World. That movie we did for, I think it was $600,000 up in Seattle, a 20-day shoot. I loved it. So to do that and now be doing Jurassic World together, it just feels like a fun jump.

So it’s not the dinosaurs that are getting you excited?

You know, it’s not real dinosaurs. [Laughs.] I’m the tech guy. I’m the guy in the booth, so I don’t get to wrestle around with the dinos. That’s Chris Pratt and Bryce Howard. They get to do all that.

I was just trying to get to your relationship with the original Jurassic Park.

I loved it. I was born in ’78, so when it came out I think I was 13, so it was a big deal. So to be in that franchise is really neat. I try not to think too much about it because it trips me out, because in my heart of hearts I feel like I belong in little independent movies, where the fact that I’m in Jurassic World, IÂ’m like, “Thank you!” It feels like I’m invited to a really nice party.

Sources: THRReel Tours Hawaii, Vulture

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Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusApr-04-2014 1:09 AM

Good stuff...

I'm looking forward to seeing Katie McGrath in Jurassic World (also Judy Greer, though I tend not to like her roles) but I’m not very familiar with Lauren Lapkus (though I’m sure I’ve seen her in stuff before).

That Mercedes looks bad-ass, but really I’m looking forward to the good old ford explorers (maybe with some updated tech inside)…

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusApr-07-2014 1:43 PM

Nice updates. The whole thing is coming together nicely.


MemberCompsognathusApr-11-2014 2:55 AM

They are not Mercedes they are Textron Tigers. 

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