Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World knock-off 'Jurassic City' releases first trailer

Scified2015-01-09 11:38:13https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/5730386258258080.png
Written by Chris6,074 Reads13 Comments2015-01-09 11:38:13

Jurassic World is one of the most talked about films of the year. Competing with the likes of Star Wars and Terminator, this fourth film in the Jurassic Park series has a lot to live up to when it hits theaters in June. However as with most high profile blockbusters, there's usually someone looking to profit from the blockbuster's marketing and hype. This is exactly the case with an upcoming straight-to-DVD knock-off entitled Jurassic City. The fact that the name alone doesn't warrant copyright infringement is shocking. Regardless, the people behind Jurassic City have released a trailer, some artwork and plot outline for the film. Don't be fooled, this has no relation to Universal's Jurassic World.


When a top-secret laboratory is unexpectedly breached, thousands of rampaging raptors are unleashed on Los Angeles! A black-ops unit is mobilized to contain the creatures before they cause city-wide chaos. Simultaneously, a truckload of raptors is rerouted to a nearby prison. Upon their escape, these ferocious flesh-eaters are beyond containment. This is Jurassic judgment night for smoking hot sorority girls, sinister scientists, muscle-bound military and doomed death-row inmates! It’s about to get bloody in Jurassic City!".


It's great to see Dinosaurs making a comeback in film, however these knock-offs tend to do the higher profile blockbusters more harm than good.

Source: Bloody-Disgusting.com

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MemberCompsognathusJan-09-2015 12:37 PM


Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJan-09-2015 1:01 PM

Wow. Um...I do not know how to express what I am currently feeling with regards to this film. How very, um, compelling...

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusJan-09-2015 1:10 PM

Eh. It doesn't seem good, but not bad. The special effects are okay, but the acting is pretty bad.

Therizinosaurus Rex(aka Kaijusaurs)

MemberCompsognathusJan-09-2015 1:31 PM

WHY!? just WHY!?


MemberCompsognathusJan-09-2015 1:42 PM

I mean, Sharknado was one of these Movies... (PLUS the other 900+ Other Jaws rip offs)


I'd be interested in seeing it, Just because of how bad it is. But that'd likely be the only real reason for me to see it. I've seen much worse Special effects.


Need I bring up the Knock off "Atlantic Rim" 


MemberCompsognathusJan-09-2015 2:12 PM

"I hate cheap knockoffs!"




MemberCompsognathusJan-09-2015 5:20 PM

I can't express my my hatred for movies likes this...I remember my dad rented mega shark vs dino croc...for me and my older bother...all we did was bag the affects and acting! lol I want to see this and laugh RIP OFF!


MemberTriceratopsJan-09-2015 6:25 PM

I love these types of movies. So funny to watch.

noah eckeckenrode

MemberCompsognathusJan-09-2015 7:04 PM

Anyone want to watch this to make fun of it? Grab a few friends and have a laugh!


P.S. Is it just me or does the T-rex on the cover look like the one from the Walking With Dinosaurs Live Show?

indiana jones

MemberCompsognathusJan-11-2015 9:13 PMi remember everyone complaining about the effects for the jw trailer, than i saw this..."it could of been worse john, a lot worse."

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusJan-14-2015 1:19 PM

That's the thing with these B-Rated movies. They throw some poorly animated dinosaurs in and a few girls in bikinis and say, "Now there's a movie." Same goes for Poseidon Rex.

Super Bacon

MemberCompsognathusJan-25-2015 12:10 PM

Well, It also ripped off the Inception bwah

And the trailer music of Alien

And the title font of Pacific Rim


MemberCompsognathusFeb-26-2015 9:42 AM

love the very familar looking poster




its even the same text font WOW


oh yeah and the tagline is ripping of godzilla 2014 as well


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