Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World Isla Nublar Ferry Spotted!

Scified2014-05-13 22:13:02https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/4981935165489951.png
Written by Chris4,344 Reads40 Comments2014-05-13 22:13:02

Our friend at Reel Tours Hawaii managed to snap a few photos of a ferry being used for the production of Jurassic World. The print on the side of the Ferry clearly says "Isla Nublar", and not only that, the photos of the ship were taken before Universal covered up the logos and writing - exposing what the new Jurassic World emblem will look like on vehicles. Check out all the photos below!

This is a photo of the same ship, only after Universal covered the logos:

Jurassic World wraps up filming in Hawaii this week. 

Special thanks to RTH for the photos!

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Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2014 12:31 AM

Pffft. This is old news…

Pull your thumbs out and stay on the ball.

In other news that this page has not yet reported on; 

1. There are new aerial pictures of the set with three more tarp-covered vehicles parked near the uncovered vehicles that we’ve already seen, and at least one of them matches the shape of a ford explorer (the others are assumed to be the gas-powered jeeps)…

2. There was a rumour that Bryce Dallas Howard was trapped in the jaws of a dinosaur animatronic for 30minutes when it malfunctioned due to a power failure, but those rumours have turned out to be BS.


AdminIndoraptorMay-14-2014 12:41 AM

The pics in this article haven't been online for a day yet and we didn't post the BS rumor about Bryce Howard because it was... well, BS.

Your comment wasn't really necessary.

Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2014 12:51 AM

That’s still 23 hours too late. For shame!

Also, notice how you ignored the news of the tarp-covered ford explorer and gas powered jeeps. What’s your excuse for that one? :P


AdminIndoraptorMay-14-2014 2:11 AM

Was actually more like 15hrs going by RTH's uploads. And we've posted a few articles about the jeeps already, seems a tad redundant really. ;) we know what they look like now. The ferry however, now that's something new! 

Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2014 4:21 AM

So, let me get this straight; you’re actually bragging about being 15 hours late to NOT break a story?


Keep ignoring that Ford explorer. That’s what people come here for; to NOT hear about new developments. Let me know how that works out for you...


MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2014 5:06 AM

I wouldn't really count the Ford Explorers as "official" news yet.  We haven't actually had a full picture of them, just the possibility that's there.  The shape does slightly resemble the Ford Explorers, but it could still be any car.

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2014 6:32 AM

@Phantom Raptor

Time to get out of the basement. Jurassic World is in early production. There is no such thing as breaking news. If you consider a spy shot of a few vehicles under tarps as breaking news, you need to go the fuck outside, and get a grip.

Having said that, The picture above that you were so bent out of shape over says nothing. So what? They vaguely resemble the shapes of two classic JP vehicles....It has already been stated NUMEROUS times that there will likely (read: definitely) be flashback sequences that are filmed, that are not just stock footage in context, but new footage intertwined. To film even a 10 sec new clip of some flashback, actual props (like vehicles) are still needed. So again, the classic vehicles will play no signficant part in the movie, beyond flashback sequences.

The ferry on the other hand is quite interesting, as its BRAND NEW to Jurassic Park/World, clearly says Isla Nublar on the side, indicating one of the methods we'll see for transporting visitors from the mainland to Jurassic World on Isla Nublar.


MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2014 6:57 AM

Peter is correct...


Theres a literal, Tonne of articles on the jeeps, The Mercedes, and other vehilces... But this will be the first time we've ever seen a boat in the franchise series, That was meant for visitors... 


I suggest @Phantom Raptor, That you please calm down, Late news, is better then no news. 


MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2014 6:57 AM

Peter is correct...


Theres a literal, Tonne of articles on the jeeps, The Mercedes, and other vehilces... But this will be the first time we've ever seen a boat in the franchise series, That was meant for visitors... 


I suggest @Phantom Raptor, That you please calm down, Late news, is better then no news. 

Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2014 7:57 AM

@ Peter Zanetti

Don’t have a basement.

And what are you even on about? 50% of the stories on this entire fan page are dedicated to ‘spy shots’ of shit under wraps.

Yeah, no shit Sherlock, there’s going to be flashback scenes. How hard did you have to rub your two remaining brain cells together to figure that one out? We already knew about the gas powered jeeps, the point is there is now a possibility that we’ll see the ford explorers as well – that’s “BRAND NEW.” It’s not ‘breaking news’ (I pity the fool who comes here for their breaking news) but it is a development of sorts that most Jurassic Park fans find somewhat interesting. So calm yer tits.


“So again, the classic vehicles will play no signficant part in the movie, beyond flashback sequences.” – You don’t know that. I'm not saying they won't feature in a flashback scene, but they could very well feature in a scene where we are shown how the Patel Corporation took back control of Nublar...

“The ferry on the other hand is quite interesting, as its BRAND NEW to Jurassic Park/World, clearly says Isla Nublar on the side, indicating one of the methods we'll see for transporting visitors from the mainland to Jurassic World on Isla Nublar.” You don’t know that. Look at the peeling paint on the side of that ship. It could very well be something InGen left behind when Nublar was abandoned.


AdminIndoraptorMay-14-2014 12:26 PM

Okay, Phantom Raptor, this is your first warning, stop being hostile with other members. That's not how we act here, so I'm telling you now to calm down and stop getting so heated over nothing. You are welcome to comment and interact with the site, but throwing around insults and acting like a pompus ass will not be tolerated. I don't know how old you are, but try to act more mature when posting. Thank you.


MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2014 12:38 PM

Love this site, always on the A Game. Awesome pics



MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2014 1:43 PM

Wont all these spoilers take the magic away that we felt 21 years ago! Seeing props n possibly in future a pic of a Stan winston dino or something.


Before internet, before pictures n videos, going to the cinema not knowing what was going to happen or what to expect was so much better. 

i like cast updates though they r different Keep them coming. Despite these pics being awesome. Just saying its something to think about.

Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2014 5:46 PM

Lol, a warning? Wow. God, this site is so repressive. The second a discussion gets heated in the slightest, out come the moderators to put pacifiers in everyone’s mouths. People here aren’t children, I’m sure they can handle it. Besides, he drops the F-bomb, and I’m the one being hostile?! Out of interest, which comment did it for you? Was it the ‘rubbing of the brain cells’ or the ‘calm yer tits,’ because apparently that is more hostile than telling someone that they need to go the fuck outside and get a grip...

If this page is really about promoting discussion, you should let people say what they like (even if you disagree). This is a science-fiction fan page not a bible study group, I’m sure people here can handle strong words...

You know, I was half joking at first hence the ‘For shame!’ and the “:P” (honestly who gets that wound up over nothing like that? I thought it was pretty funny), and your super serious replies to all my comments egged me on. Then three other people left replies so I couldn’t keep it going, and I would have left it at that but one of them (Peter) was a pompous douche, so yeah I gave it right back to him. Sue me.

I’m relatively new here. I’ve asked a moderator for a link to our list of community rules in the past, and got no reply. Since y’all get butt-hurt so easily, I would appreciate that link now thanks.

Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2014 5:54 PM

@ X_paden_x

I was calm. If I was angry or something it would have all been in CAPS LOCK.


The ship is interesting news. The peeling paint on the side near the logo makes me think that it could be something InGen left behind on Isla Nublar when the Island was abandoned... just a thought.

spino the best

MemberCompsognathusMay-15-2014 2:02 AM

chris picard

thank you fpr the post

but if you clearly observe the ship in the third picture and the ship in the fourth one which you've named as coverd by universal studios.....

sorry mate but they are'nt the same

take a close look guy's

the are a lot more different

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-15-2014 7:06 AM


This is the only comment of yours I will address, because it was the only relevant discussion point...

"You don’t know that. I'm not saying they won't feature in a flashback scene, but they could very well feature in a scene where we are shown how the Patel Corporation took back control of Nublar..."

If you are familiar with movies that operate in a series, and/or actually read my comment, "Flashback" sequences are not always just stock footage of a previous movie. More often they are not. More often they are newly shot sequences meant to illustrate something that happened prior to the events of the current film.

So the example you cite, which I have no doubt we will see, will probably be a short segment in the opening of the film followed by a "X years Later" fast forward to present day, or will start present day and illustrate the prior events through a flashback.

Point is....new footage for "flashback" sequences require physical props like old Ford Explorers.

One thing I can also guarantee....no one will be touring the current Jurassic World theme park in Ford Explorers on an electric track. They will have undoubtedly developed something far superior. Hell, in the original JP the Explorer tour was thrown together as a placeholder until they were able to safely develop something better.

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-15-2014 7:10 AM

Ok, one more..


"You don’t know that. Look at the peeling paint on the side of that ship. It could very well be something InGen left behind when Nublar was abandoned."

InGen left behind an old ferry that has the brand new Jurassic World logo on it? NOPE.

Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusMay-15-2014 10:48 AM

“This is the only comment of yours I will address, because it was the only relevant discussion point...”

Oh thank you, I shall remember this momentous occasion for the rest of my life! :/


“If you are familiar with movies... bla bla etc.”

Yeah, I get it. I thought that was abundantly clear in the comment of mine that you just quoted.

You’re really just arguing about what type of flashback it will be. My argument is that it most likely will not be for a flashback to the events of the first movie (stock as you put it), because the leaked photos of the gas powered jeep show it with rust and age damage (and the boat has peeling paint as well). If it were for that sort of flashback the jeeps would be brand new and in pristine condition. Based on this, I think that it will be a more recent (newly shot) flash back where they show us how the Patel Corporation found Isla Nublar in ruins.

For example; the movie opens with a scene where they show the Patel Corporation taking back control of Isla Nublar from the dinosaurs/jungle (probably where Chris Pratt’s character and that Green screen chopper come in). Imagine the chopper landing in front of the visitor centre (now dirty and overgrown with vines). Chris Pratt and a team secure the area. A few compies scamper across the marble floor as they walk inside. As they explore different parts of the visitor centre they find the gas powered jeeps in the garage along with the ford explorers (presuming that the tarp-covered vehicle in the recent photo turns out to be a ford explorer), all showing the same signs of age but still basically in good condition. This is followed by ‘X years later’ and we fast forward to present day where the park is up and running again...

This makes more sense. I don’t expect the ‘classic’ vehicles to be used in the new park in any way.


As for you last comment; “InGen left behind an old ferry that has the brand new Jurassic World logo on it? NOPE.”

I was actually hoping you would say that! You don’t seem to have put much thought into this rebuttal (or should I say; knee-jerk rejection).

Think back to the first movie. The insignia on the doors of the gas powered jeeps are the JP logo with a red background. The insignia on the doors of the ford explorers is the Jurassic Park rex in a circle with a yellow background. There’s no reason that an InGen boat would not have the same insignia (which it does) only with a blue background (as it thematically relates to water). Other than the skeleton being in silver, the logo is no different. It makes sense for it to be in silver on a blue background otherwise it wouldn’t show up (black stands out easily enough on a red or yellow background, not so much on a blue background).

And yes, InGen could very well have bought the ferry brand new and sailed it (or more likely towed it) from Costa Rica to Isla Nublar – being just as secretive as the film crew, the logos and decals could have been shipped over and applied by the construction crew later. After that, the boat was left docked in waiting for the imminent opening of the park. And when the park was abandoned there it stayed, blue logo, peeling paint and all...   


Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusMay-15-2014 11:00 AM

@spino the best

I'm pretty sure they’re the same boat dude...

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-15-2014 11:00 AM

^ You actually make some good points this time, most of which agree with mine.

Even the idea that there COULD have been a blue JP logo on water bound vessels. However, I think that logo matches perfectly with Jurassic World logos, and is much more of stretch to suggest that it just happened to look that way on water bound vessels 22 years ago.

Furthermore, I'm no ferry expert...but from the look of that vessel I'm going to wager that it is a MUCH newer vessel than what existed in the early 1990s.

Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusMay-15-2014 12:15 PM

"^ You actually make some good points this time,..."

I always make good points, even when I'm trolling. :P

“Even the idea that there COULD have been a blue JP logo on water bound vessels.”

Yes, I suspect (though we never got a chance to see them in the first JP movie), that the jungle river cruise boats would probably have had these blue logos on them as well. If I’m right about this, that is...

“However, I think that logo matches perfectly with Jurassic World logos, and is much more of stretch to suggest that it just happened to look that way on water bound vessels 22 years ago.”

Yes, it matches the Jurassic world main logo in color, but on what else have we seen it? Maybe the land based vehicles will have the classic logos (unlikely, but maybe)? I don’t think it’s that much of a stretch. After all, we never got to see an InGen water bound vehicle until just now...

“Furthermore, I'm no ferry expert...but from the look of that vessel I'm going to wager that it is a MUCH newer vessel than what existed in the early 1990s.”

Actually I did some sleuthing and it turns out;

The boat is a Navatek I, and this model has been around since at least 1989.


"Date delivered: February 1989 Builder (where built): Navatek, Ltd, (Pacific Marine & Supply Co., Ltd.,) Honolulu, HI."


AdminIndoraptorMay-15-2014 10:20 PM

@Phantom Raptor, again you're free to debate and even get into heated debates, but the moment you start throwing around personal insults towards people, it's then no longer a discussion and then becomes an argument. We encourage discussion and debate, not arguments. You can use strong language, I agree most of us are mature enough to handle it, but it all depends on the context with which you use it. 

To answer your question, no, I did not recieve any message from you requesting a link to our forum rules. But a simple search would have shown you this thread which contains our forum rules and expectations.

Now since you are new here, I would suggest thinking before you post and contribute in a positive way, whether it be to engage in heated debates or not, but do so without having the need to insult other users. It's not necessary.

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusMay-16-2014 8:29 AM

If the Navtek I was new in 1989, it lends credence to the idea that it IS indeed a leftover...as Hammond would have purchased new, cutting edge top-of-the-line-no-expense-spared vessels shortly before 1993.


MemberCompsognathusMay-16-2014 10:23 AM

The peeling doesn't nessiceraly mean its from Site A...


Why would you reuse a peice of equipment from the original park? If I recall, They wouldn't in any way, want to resemble the old park, as it would bring trouble to the park...  

Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2014 7:20 AM


"The peeling doesn't nessiceraly mean its from Site A...”

 Please provide a good reason why not.


“Why would you reuse a peice of equipment from the original park?”

I thought it was blindingly obvious; Patel Corp. paid hundreds of millions of dollars to acquire InGen assets, ergo they may as well put them to good use and get their money’s worth out of it all (the number one goal of any decent corporation).

I had to get that one out of the way. But I digress; you need to read the previous comments again. You clearly don’t understand what Peter and I were talking about.

No one is suggesting that the boat is being used by the Patel Corporation for Jurassic World. Think about it. Why would a new company with enough money to rescue InGen from bankruptcy and resurrect Jurassic Park from the ruins it was, suddenly become stingy about applying a new coat of paint to an old boat?!

We are entertaining the idea that this boat might be part of the flashback scene as well – discovered where it was left, tied to a dock or run aground, having never been used for its intended purpose...


If I recall, They wouldn't in any way, want to resemble the old park, as it would bring trouble to the park...

Whether or not they want to resemble the old park makes no difference, by definition they are the same exact thing as the old park. The whole world knows what happened on Isla Nublar in 1993. A new manager, a new name and a slightly different logo won’t change the public’s perception. They’ll be promised safety upgrades and newer more reliable technology, and to the dozens of rich thrill seekers who can afford it that’ll do the trick. To the Patel Corporation (like any business) that’s all that matters, what anyone else thinks is irrelevant as long as they’re making money.



MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2014 1:16 PM

I don't see why the Ferry cannot be part of the new corporation - if we assume that the Patel corporation has been running Jurassic World for at least a decade. The Ferry could be 5 to 10 years old and been happily shifting tourists to the site on a daily basis for all that time, hence it has peeling paint and a naturally weathered look.

Great post. I only dip into this site once every week or so so all news is new to me. Not everyone is hanging on counting the seconds between updates.





MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2014 5:39 PM



Thats what your basing your facts off of? Really? Now, I'm a fair person, And I like to look at all angles of a situation... But really? Your inferring, Correction, Guessing all of this.


It wouldn't be from the original park, Because Patel Corp, Wants to shell out Millions on this park, Make it better then the old park...


Usually in a company take over, you remove all assets of the older company... Including this one. Even if it was unused, about to be shipped to Nublar before the incident, You still wouldn't use it in a new park, Almost Twenty years later... 


The Peeling, Shows that it's been put through its trials, A proven sailing ship.


Or seeing how a fair amount of this is CGI, Thats the actual boat itself, that is just being used, But will be touched up on the actual film, Thanks to our "Magical" Friends at ILM.




MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2014 5:43 PM



If it was a flashback scene... Why would it bear the crest of the new park?

Phantom Raptor

MemberCompsognathusMay-17-2014 9:12 PM

@ x_paden_x

Bearing in mind the conversation I just had with Chris Picard I will try to be nice to you, but I’m honestly finding it very difficult not to question your intelligence because the ideas being discussed here are not that complex and I’ve already explained it all in detail to you in my previous reply, yet here we are again... It’s like you’ve literally read NOTHING of the previous comments between Peter and myself, but still feel the need to blindly interject. Read it all again (actually read it this time, don’t just skim), and then by all means tell us what you think.

So, (despite running out of patience) let me see if I can explain this as politely and simply as possible.


“Thats what your basing your facts off of? Really?”

No, not really – because that’s not how things work. You don’t base facts off stuff, facts are facts. I’m presenting a hypothesis based on evidence which is derived from the facts;

The only facts we are considering are that this is an old boat – a model made at some point prior to 1989, and it has age damage – peeling paint.

From those facts we are toying with the POSSIBILITY that this ferry will feature in a flashback scene because;

  1. The ferry is at least 26 years old now (though it still looks futuristic) and presumably Patel will equip the new park with brand new vehicles, just as Hammond spared no expense in the early 90’s. Back when Hammond was building the original park, this ferry would have been brand new, so it makes sense that it is something from the original park, as there are much more advanced boats available today for Patel to choose from – why would he choose an old boat for his new park?

  2. Why would a new company with enough money to rescue InGen from bankruptcy and resurrect Jurassic Park from the ruins it was, suddenly become stingy about applying a new coat of paint to an old boat?! That doesn’t inspire confidence in the minds of any hesitant potential visitors.


“... And I like to look at all angles of a situation...”

I’m not getting that from reading your comments.


“But really? Your inferring, Correction, Guessing all of this.”

That’s what a hypothesis is.


“It wouldn't be from the original park, Because Patel Corp, Wants to shell out Millions on this park, Make it better then the old park...”

For the last bloody time; NO ONE is suggesting that it is a relic from the old park being re-used in the new one! I honestly don’t get how that is so hard for you to understand!

It will either be

  1. A ferry that the Patel Corporation has purchased after taking over InGen and is currently using to transport visitors to a and from Isla Nublar.


2). It will be something that features in the flashback scene (based on the age damage and the fact that it is at least 26 years old i.e; not a state of the art model ferry). 


So far the evidence suggests that it will possibly be the latter.


“Usually in a company take over, you remove all assets of the older company...”

Remind me never to hire you to run any of my companies. REALLY? You buy a dying company, paying hundreds of millions of dollars to settle its outstanding legal debts, and acquire all of its physical assets – and then you scrap it all?!?! NO, of course not. You sell off what you can, and you use anything that will still be useful in making you more money.


“Even if it was unused, about to be shipped to Nublar before the incident, You still wouldn't use it in a new park, Almost Twenty years later...” 

And for the ZILLIONTH TIME; no one is suggesting that! Read option 1 and option 2 again.

(By the way; I’ve presented plenty of good reasons why a company would actually re-use assets, you have yet to give me one good reason why one would not).


“The Peeling, Shows that it's been put through its trials, A proven sailing ship.”

The peeling shows that it is old and neglected, an abandoned boat. Two can play at that game...


Or seeing how a fair amount of this is CGI, Thats the actual boat itself, that is just being used, But will be touched up on the actual film, Thanks to our "Magical" Friends at ILM.

Why would Universal spend hundreds of dollars to pay a crew of digital effects artists to cover up some peeling paint on a prop (you’d think they have bigger things to worry about, like animating the CGI dinosaurs), when they could simply buy a bucket of white paint for $25 and have some extra spend 1 hour sanding and re-painting that part of the ferry?!  

Since you are unaware, ILM will not be working on Jurassic World any more since Universal studios has acquired Legendary Pictures.

(Funny that, how Universal acquired Legendary and then put them to work rather than scrapping them...)



If it was a flashback scene... Why would it bear the crest of the new park?

Ok, now I know you didn’t read or (evidently) understand any of the previous comments between Peter and myself, because I answered this EXACT same question and he agreed that my answer was at least plausible.

Think back to the first movie. The insignia on the doors of the gas powered jeeps are the JP logo with a red background. The insignia on the doors of the ford explorers is the Jurassic Park rex in a circle with a yellow background. There’s no reason that an InGen boat would not have the same insignia (which it does) only with a blue background (as it thematically relates to water). Other than the skeleton being in silver, the logo is no different. It makes sense for it to be in silver on a blue background otherwise it wouldn’t show up (black stands out easily enough on a red or yellow background, not so much on a blue background).


You need to take your own advice, and calm down.

All we are doing is assessing the evidence at hand and suggesting possible explanations. Photos could surface tomorrow proving this all wrong (which incidentally would also prove you wrong since it would mean that Patel has bought a 26 year old ferry to transport visitors to and from Nublar with).


MemberCompsognathusMay-18-2014 4:04 AM

I wonder if the Patel Corp isnt as well of as we think they are, and where Hammond spared no expense, they try to get the most out of their dollar i.e. re-using the boat above from the origional park.


I'm in no way a boat expert, but it does look quite modern still considering its age (apart from the peeling paint of course) - I wonder if they are going to pass it off as a modern boat in the movie? Who knows at this point though apart from the movie crew, cant wait to see what comes of this movie and like to read all the speculation above, really gets the imagination going on what they do in the movie. I am looking forward to any possible flashbacks I must admit, it would be great nostalgia to see a wrecked/abandoned park - would bring back memories from 1993 :)


MemberCompsognathusMay-18-2014 8:07 AM@Phantom Raptor I will admit you do make good points. But a top of the line resort, Would not re use an assest such as this boat... Even if the boat was expensive. Looking at the concept art, Patel is willing to shell it out to get a bloody monorail... I think they'd be able to purchase a better boat. I'll leave it there

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-18-2014 9:33 AM

Seriously? What's the point of of arguing? You look like bloody children. Both of you, quit it. You both bring up good points, but it's not doing anything. 


New logo says modern use, but faded paint says flashback. It'll be interesting to see what it gets used for. What are the odds that NOBODY (government, employees, etc) knew about it, except Hammond and the maker? That could void the "get rid of EVERYTHNG from the old park" attitude maybe. 

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-18-2014 9:33 AM

Seriously? What's the point of of arguing? You look like bloody children. Both of you, quit it. You both bring up good points, but it's not doing anything. 


New logo says modern use, but faded paint says flashback. It'll be interesting to see what it gets used for. What are the odds that NOBODY (government, employees, etc) knew about it, except Hammond and the maker? That could void the "get rid of EVERYTHNG from the old park" attitude maybe. 

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-18-2014 9:34 AM

Seriously? What's the point of of arguing? You look like bloody children. Both of you, quit it. You both bring up good points, but it's not doing anything. 


New logo says modern use, but faded paint says flashback. It'll be interesting to see what it gets used for. What are the odds that NOBODY (government, employees, etc) knew about it, except Hammond and the maker? That could void the "get rid of EVERYTHNG from the old park" attitude maybe. 


MemberCompsognathusMay-18-2014 5:21 PM

True I guess Mr.Happy...


"Behind the screen, We are all invincilble"

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexMay-18-2014 6:20 PM

Exactly. Arguing in the internet is a waste of time. Yet, we all do it. It's a waste of time, but for me at least, it's a fun waste of time.

Dr. Malcolm

MemberCompsognathusMay-20-2014 2:08 PM



Please tell me this is bullshit. No original characters was already too much, but this is disgusting. A true disgrace... We want a real jurassic park movie, with realistic dinosaurs, not a movie with monsters and sci fi bullshits like tamed dinos... If this is not some kind of trolling and is true, then i think real jp fans will have to wait for a real jurassic park movie even more. A movie that respects and follows the original concept of the books and the first movie.


MemberCompsognathusMay-22-2014 7:33 PMI'm afraid not... It's been Verified already... We'll never see anything like the original... Because Its impossible... Every director sees this film in their own light, Colin was allowed to alter the script, after the Writers of Planet of the apes finished it, he said, he didn't like it, and changed it...


MemberCompsognathusMay-27-2014 10:17 AM

Hey guys, just letting you know:

The ferry in that photo is a SWATH vessel. That type of ship wasn't very common back when JP was filmed - especially as a recreational ship. While that's no guarantee, it makes it more likely to be a NEW ship. The peeling paint could just be an accident that happened when the crew worked on the ship, after all...

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