Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World Featured in L'Ecran Fantastique Magazine!

Scified2015-01-15 22:19:12https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/4952789155768875.png
Written by Chris1,672 Reads1 Comments2015-01-15 22:19:12

Jurassic World has made the cover of the latest issue of L'Ecran Fantastique magazine! Thanks to the fan page, Jurassic World Community, we have a rough summary of what the articles contain, as well as scans of the issue. According the JWC page, the magazine doesn't really host any "new" information to those who have been following Jurassic World's production as closely as many of us die hard fans have been. But for the general audiences, the issue does offer some insight to the film's overall plot and characters.

"Claire is a serious woman who evolve in a place where everything is under control. D-rex escapes (it was created due to the fact that after 10 years, the park is not reaching their expectations anymore, recreating Dinosaurs is a step, and it's time to manipulate them, visitor's want something bigger, making louder noise, with more teeth), gyrosphere of the kids is attacked, so Claire calls Owen to help her finding them. Raptors behavious is studied by Owen, he's trying to find out where's the limit between Raptors and Humans relationships. His character is describe as being between Ian Malcolm (cynical) and Alan Grant (amazed by the nature's wonders). It's also written that Trevorrow wanted to create a strong relationship between Owen and Omar Sy (they are best friends), something that could be used later (SEQUELS). D'Onofrio is the bad guy "several scens will become iconic".... ! (There also a part about the numerical Dinosaur evolution through the movies, but not any JW pic, and a part about Dinos in movies in general)"

Here are the scans:

A big thank you to Jurassic World Community on Facebook for the scans and summary! As we near the release of Jurassic World's next trailer in February, expect more magazines to feature pieces dedicated to covering this highly anticipated summer blockbuster.

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indiana jones

MemberCompsognathusJan-16-2015 1:49 PM

um um um

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