Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World Dominion will introduce 2 new Raptor species and Empire has our first look!

Scified2021-12-20 10:25:20https://www.scified.com/articles/jurassic-world-dominion-introduce-2-new-raptor-species-empire-has-our-first-look-12.jpg
Written by Chris14,956 Reads6 Comments2021-12-20 10:25:20

Jurassic World Dominion will introduce not one, but two new Raptor species to the Jurassic franchise! During a preview for next year's release of Jurassic World 3 in Empire Magazine, director Colin Trevorrow shared details about these new, vicious Raptors and how they differ from the iconic Velociraptors we've become used to seeing.

First up, the Atrociraptors!

"Where the Velociraptor is a little bit more of a stealth hunter, the Atrociraptors are a bit more brutish," Trevorrow explains. "These things will just come at you. And in this particular case, they’ve picked his scent, and they’re not going to stop until he’s dead. They’re pretty brutal. They’re pretty vicious."

The second new Raptor species is called Pyroraptors and apparently, they're Trevorrow's favorite:

"I love the Pyroraptors. I love the Atrociraptors," he says. "There's a little one called the Moros intrepidus, who doesn't do a ton in the movie, but whenever it shows up, I always love it."

The full preview will be available in Empire's Batman Issue which goes on sale December 26th! Once we get a higher resolution image of the new still above, we'll be sure to keep you updated!



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MemberAllosaurusDec-21-2021 9:22 AM

Atrociraptors is my bet, based on his description and this one seems to be in active pursuit, but I’m not sure my line of thinking is very grounded


MemberAllosaurusDec-21-2021 9:17 PM

wait why don't they bring back the JPIII Velociraptors?


MemberAllosaurusDec-22-2021 12:09 AM


more Dino’s, more merchandise, more money


MemberAllosaurusDec-22-2021 2:53 AM


Good point, but how well will the Atrociraptors live up to the Velociraptors and will the audience be able to tell the difference? I know I will because I am a dinosaur enthusiast but the general audience don't like to think and learn something new, especially my nephew who can't distinguish the difference a Tyrannosaurus and a Giganotosaurus or the difference between a triceratops and a rhinoceros 


MemberCompsognathusDec-24-2021 1:14 AM

In the U.S., Jurassic World Dominion is scheduled to be released theatrically by Universal Pictures on June 10, 2022. The film was previously set for release on June 11, 2021, but it was delayed due to the pandemic.


MemberAllosaurusDec-24-2021 1:20 AM


It depends, if they’re executed well  and given something unique they’d definitely be memorable.



Lets hope it doesn’t get delayed anymore.

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