Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World confirmed to be a trilogy!

Scified2016-09-10 11:35:09https://www.scified.com/articles/jurassic-world-confirmed-to-be-a-trilogy-14.jpg
Written by Matt6,498 Reads2 Comments2016-09-10 11:35:09


Jurassic World 2 is one of the most anticipated science fiction sequels in recent years. Very little plot information has been revealed about the sequel although it will start production very soon. Latino Review had the opportunity to interview the director Juan Antonio Bayona while he was doing press for his newest film 'A Monster Calls'. During the Interview, he confirmed Jurassic World will be a trilogy.

I think they love ‘The Impossible’ and ‘The Orphanage’—especially Colin (Trevorrow) loved those movies,” he told LRM. “It’s very interesting. The whole ‘Jurassic World’ is a trilogy that Colin Trevorrow has envisioned. We’re writing the second chapter, and it’s very interesting where he’s leading the story. I grew up watching Steven Spielberg movies and I love those movies and the legacy, so it’s a question of being truthful to the legacy and at the same time, bringing new stuff that people will appreciate. We are still six months ahead of shooting, and so far, so good. It’s very exciting right now.” 

The Bayona quote confirms yet again that Colin Trevorrow had envisioned Jurassic World as the first part of a trilogy. It would appear as well right now that the initial reports of filming starting in February or March were also accurate as well. 

Bayona's comments about growing up with Steven Spielberg movies and wanting to be truthful to his style is also extremely encouraging. We still have no plot details, however the description of the new storyline being 'interesting' may indicate that Bayona could expand the storyline in unexpected ways.

Jurassic World 2 will be released on June 22, 2018. The film has not yet been given an official title. Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt will return to play Claire Dearing and Owen Grady in the film. The movie will be directed by Juan Antonio Bayona, who has directed 'The Impossible.

Source: Latino Review

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AdminIndoraptorSep-10-2016 2:21 PM

Though not necessarily "new" to those of us who have been following JW religiously, it is nice to see a fresh confirmation about the trilogy by Bayona himself. Thanks for posting!

Patient Leech

MemberTriceratopsSep-13-2016 10:39 AM

Just a trilogy? Hell, I would have thought they'd try to stretch it out a lot more than that. That's cool, though. I'd prefer for there to be some sort of definitive conclusion in sight for the story.

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