Jurassic World Movies

Check out this Awesome Jurassic World Concept Art! (Spoilers)

Scified2015-06-14 09:43:52https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/2160919944361248.png
Written by Chris2,073 Reads2 Comments2015-06-14 09:43:52

After shattering box office records, Jurassic World continues to gain momentum at the cinema. But for those of us who have seen the film already, there's plenty left to discover and geek out over. Below is a collection of some concept artwork created for Jurassic World by Gadget-Bot Productions. Though they didn't design the Dinosaurs of Jurassic World, they did incorporate them into their designs of various sets and locations used for the film. 

I should warn though, for those who have not seen Jurassic World yet, the following concpt art does contain spoilers, so it's probably best to come back and view them after you've seen the film for yourself.

For those who have seen Jurassic World, or who simply don't mind spoilers, enjoy:

Jurassic World Concept Art

Jurassic World Concept Art

Jurassic World Concept Art

Jurassic World Concept Art

Jurassic World Concept Art

Jurassic World Concept Art

Jurassic World Concept Art

Jurassic World Concept Art

Jurassic World Concept Art

Jurassic World Concept Art

Jurassic World Concept Art

Jurassic World Concept Art

Jurassic World Concept Art

Jurassic World Concept Art

You can view even more Jurassic World concept art in our Concept Art & Posters Gallery. Thanks to Shambs in the Jurassic World forum for the heads up! Images courtesy of Gadget-Bot Productions.

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MemberCompsognathusJun-15-2015 2:37 AM

I think I am going to quit visiting this.

I've been following these news since the very start (when the movie were named Jurassic Park 4 before they changed to Jurassic World), but now I am having a pop up page everytime I come that warns me about a virus. 

Why administrators are using these methods to gain extra money? Is annoying. Please remove that garbage


MemberCompsognathusJun-17-2015 2:13 PM

More can be found here: http://imgur.com/a/itUme

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