Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World Brochure & Isla Nublar Map Photos Leaked Online!

Scified2014-07-17 17:09:36https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/339272854524712.png
Written by Chris9,230 Reads11 Comments2014-07-17 17:09:36

A brochure for Jurassic World has found its way online and may contain some potential spoilers for the film. However, if you've been following updates on this film, much of the info present in the brochure is already common knowledge. The panels of the brochure coincide with the map which was leaked weeks ago, which has also been confirmed as legitimate. Check out the leaked photos of the Jurassic World brochure below:

Aside from the blatant product placement, the brochure looks legitimate and reveals many of the attractions the new park on Isla Nublar will feature when Jurassic World hits theaters next June. 

Big thank you to Godzilla316 for sharing these photos in the Jurassic World forums. (via CBM)

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Great Leonopteryx

MemberCompsognathusJul-17-2014 5:18 PM

It would be really cool if we could see all of those dinosaur in the list on the movie


MemberCompsognathusJul-17-2014 5:43 PMI don't like this... They've landscaped the hell outta Nublar, Even gave it a fake Volcano... The Island is a piece of Volcanic Upthrust, Not an Island that can just grown a Volcano... The fact that they Advertise so many Companies also Troubles me... The last time, Only Kodak Was on the Brochures, And that was a really short bit of Screen time. Despite all evidences of it being Legit, I still believe its a fake... I mean, Yes, Some parts are real, But This just doesn't all add up... What i'd really like is one of those Snap Bracelet, Wrist band things... Those, Look cool. (I mean, You could Make them from home really easily... but.... Yeah...)


MemberCompsognathusJul-17-2014 10:02 PM

I haven't seen the bracelets, can you link them to me.

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-17-2014 10:12 PM

How very interesting! I'm curious to see how this will all shape up in the final presentation! :)


MemberCompsognathusJul-17-2014 10:20 PM



The SnapBand Braclet.


That one, It was given to each extra as there bit for being there, They were allowed to keep it, and many of them sold them off, Kinda like the above pictures. 


MemberCompsognathusJul-18-2014 12:08 AM

I was surprised not to see a T Rex paddock somewhere, I take it the T Rex kingdom is the only place the rex's are (I was expecting 2 locations). Also it doesnt really show the size of the rex paddock/kingdom so could be quite large

Primal King

MemberCompsognathusJul-18-2014 1:10 PM

Anyone realize that the Aviary is on the river???? Anyone remember that scene from the book?


MemberCompsognathusJul-18-2014 1:28 PM

@Primal King


I do recall it yes.


Speilburg had a hand in the writing bit, No telling which bits of the Original writings got in (Colin and a Friend went and "Refined" It), The JP Universe is Reknown for mixing and Matching bits from the books into the movies.





All of the Dactyls in JP3 Were the Intention of the "Aviary". I'd much rather see Lex and the baby Trike. 

Pteranodon King

MemberCompsognathusJul-18-2014 6:46 PMIf i'm correct in the first novel the "Bird Cage/Aviary" was located near the river and so was the Dilophosaurus Paddock.


MemberCompsognathusJul-19-2014 7:31 AM

I would like to see the river scene from the book. For some reason the scenes in the book of the rex sleeping, then chasing them on the river is one of the most memorable for me so would like to see some incarnation of that (perhaps the DRex replaces the TRex in this verison?)

Peter Zanetti

MemberCompsognathusJul-21-2014 6:25 AM

This is the realization of a functioning zoological park. The keys to success involve showcasing the dinosaurs for maximum amusement.

Even though the novel didn't quite work this way, in JP the movie for dramatic purposes, the T-rex was no where to be found when the Explorer's first stopped by the paddock....unsurprising when the single animal had miles to roam and the cars stop by one section of fence.

When you have 20,000 visistors a day....people want to see the T-rex and will leave unhappy if they merely got a glimpse of forest on a guided tour.

T-Rex feeding every 2 hours is the type of attraction I would expect. Gives everyone the chance to see the best of the best of what they came there for. It will be tough for the tunnel-visioned Jurassic Park fan to swallow, because for some reason certain immature fans can't abide the concept of anything but a wildlife preserve-type envrioment, where you're lucky to see anything despite spending thousands on a trip......Understand, that would never fly in the real world, and for matter, is not what Hammond was going for either. Hammond intended to a build an amusement park JUST like what you see here....however, they were rushing and running out of time and money....they intended to open the park with the most BASIC amenities to simply begin recouping costs. THEN they would quickly turn it over into more of an amusement park.

The state people saw Jurassic Park in mislead some people into believing that Hammond wanted to keep it as a biological preserve rather than an amusement park, but that is patently false.  

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