Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World becomes 3rd most successful movie ever!

Scified2015-07-23 03:26:01https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/110120803214770.png
Written by Gavin2,090 Reads1 Comments2015-07-23 03:26:01

Its official, after just over a month in theatres Colin Trevorrow's revival of the Jurassic Park franchise has surpassed Marvel Studios' 2012 blockbuster The Avengers (Assemble) to become the third highest grossing movie of all time. To date Marvel Studios ensemble movie has raked in just under $1.520 billion at the box office, whereas Jurassic World has just amassed $1.522 billion in box office takings - a figure that will continue to rise with the movie still to complete its theatrical run.

It is highly unlikely that Jurassic World will threaten the top two most successful movies ever with 2009's Avatar earning $2.78 billion and 1997's Titanic having earned $2.17 billion, both of which were written and directed by James Camerony, creator of the Terminator franchise.

However, Jurassic Worlds rise in the box office rankings is not only a good thing for studio Universal Pictures but also a good thing for science fiction, with, if you include Avengers as a sci-fi movie 3 out of the top 5 highest grossing movies of all time being science fiction movies - Avatar, Jurassic World and Avengers. Godzilla may be the king of monsters, but Jurassic World is clearly the king of monster movies.

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Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-23-2015 4:32 PM

How very excellent. :)

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