Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World 3: Photo shared from the set of Jurassic World Dominion (2021)!

Scified2020-03-01 14:05:29https://www.scified.com/articles/jurassic-world-3-photo-shared-from-set-jurassic-world-dominion-2021-9.jpg
Written by Chris39,546 Reads2 Comments2020-03-01 14:05:29

Jurassic World: Dominion (aka. Jurassic World 3) is currently filming in Vancouver, British Columbia and director Colin Trevorrow has shared an update from the film's set!

Though nothing too substantial, the set photo does offer some clues to the Vancouver shoot. Given that we're still in winter, this will be the first time a Jurassic Park film takes place in any place outside of a tropical climate. It's possible the footage being shot in Vancouver will not involve any Dinosaurs, as they're not usually fans of the cold, but will more than likely focus on Human character development.

Trevorrow will be posting updates throughout production on his Instagram account, which we will be relaying here on JurassicWorld3.net. Be sure to give him a follow if you have Instagram and follow us for all updates over the course of Jurassic World: Dominion's filming schedule!

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MemberAllosaurusMar-02-2020 6:32 AM

Technically the beginning of Jurassic World (beyond the Indominus rex hatching) featured a winter scene


MemberCompsognathusMar-03-2020 5:33 AM

But with that being said. I want the intro Jurassic World 3 to show those dinosaurs being killed. Some dying from the lysine deficiency, some hunted, and/or others being shot down by the military. I do not like the Planets of the Apes approach to becoming a global extinction. The freed dinosaurs weren't Noah's arc. It's not like there were 2 of every dinosaur to repopulate (and even if there were I personally wouldn't want that).

I liked Maisie Lockwood. I thought her performance was great and was a interesting plot for the movie. But, I want that to be the end of cloning humans. I like this as a one off situation and that tech ends with her. I do not want human cloning to be a part of the future of the series. Jurassic Park does not need that plot idea. It was done right in this movie.

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