The Jurassic World franchise was born to reinvigorate the dormant Jurassic Park franchise and in doing so felt the need to introduce new creatures to its cinematic universe. The first of which was the Indominus Rex, the primary antagonist in Jurassic World. In Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, we will be introduced to the Indoraptor. Both genetic monsters were expected to add a sense of thrill to each film but since the first Jurassic World fans have been longing for a feeling similar to that of the original Jurassic Park trilogy and it appears Colin Trevorrow has listened and confirmed to Total Film that the third Jurassic World sequel will bring the franchise back to its roots:
[Colin Trevorrow promised] that the Indo will mark the last of the series’ hybrid beasts. "I’m looking forward to, in the third film, getting a little back into the Paleontological, wild animal, true dinosaur nature of all of it"
Previously, Trevorrow was also quoted saying that Jurassic World 3 would act as more of a science thriller, much like the original Jurassic Park.
As fun and fresh as the Indominus hybrid angle was, it's clear nothing beats the original - as shown when Rexy and Blue tag-teamed and killed the Indominus Rex in Jurassic World - so it's extremely refreshing to hear that the third film in the new Jurassic series will bring the franchise back to what made it so iconic in the first place.
What do you think of Colin's comments? Are you pleased by this news? Sound off in the comments and let us know!
Thanks to Jurassic Outpost (via Total Film) for the news!
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