Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World 2's in-production title is 'Ancient Futures'!

Scified2016-07-19 08:46:16https://www.scified.com/articles/jurassic-world-2s-in-production-title-is-ancient-futures-9.jpg
Written by Matt8,695 Reads0 Comments2016-07-19 08:46:16

Jurassic World 2 is still in the early days of preproduction and so far there has been very little official news concerning the movie. However there has been an update to the status of the movie which may indicate that the film has moved closer to production. In this instance, the working title for the film was revealed the industry newsletter "Production Weekly."

In this newsletter, a list of films were described as part of a preview for the July Issue. Among these films was the listing 'Jurassic World with the working title of 'Ancient Futures'. It should be stressed that a working title is not the same thing as the final title of a film.

The working title for Jurassic World initially was Ebb Tide. This working title ended up being on all the signage for the filming of the movie. However it was not a hint for the final film. Working titles are relatively common in the industry, meant to hide a films production from rampant fans. Famously, the working title of Return of the Jedi was 'Blue Harvest'.

This news is still extremely exciting as it shows that we may be getting closer to an official title announcement. In any event, the filming locations for Jurassic World 2 will now be easily discernible if filming signs say that a production labeled 'Ancient Futures' is filming nearby. We are in for a very exciting two years it seems.

Jurassic World 2 will be released on June 22, 2018. The film has not yet been given an official title. Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt will return to play Claire Dearing and Owen Grady in the film. The movie will be directed by Juan Antonio Bayona, who has directed 'The Impossible.

Source:Production Weekly via Jurassic Outpost

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