Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World 2 to feature stars from original trilogy?

Scified2015-10-16 12:04:30https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/399995774585847.png
Written by Gavin1,579 Reads0 Comments2015-10-16 12:04:30

While Jurassic World may have been a critical and commercial success, the only actor from the original trilogy to return was BD Wong as Dr. Henry Wu, last seen in the 1993 classic, Jurassic Park. Fans of the franchise got to see the evolution of the character from the niave and starry eyed character we saw in the original movie into a psuedo-villain, prepared to go to any lengths to realise his vision of creating the perfect Dinosaur. Speaking recently with JoBlo BD Wong recollected his love for the original movie, commented on his characters villainous turn and pondered the hopes of his character returning in a future sequel...

Dr. Henry Wu's return may have been left open, but what of the possibility of other characters from the original trilogy returning in a Jurassic World sequel. Will we see Doctors Alan Grant and/or Ian Malcolm return to face the Dinosaurs once again? Star of Jurassic World and daughter of Academy award winning director and former Happy Days star Ron Howard, Bryce Dallas Howard seemed hopeful one or more of the stars of the original will return while talking to IGN...

"I could see versions of the film where a lot of the characters come back, and just as a fan of the franchise, I would be totally stoked on that. It’s so cool BD [Wong] was in this movie.

“I get like any person who was a fan of the first film I get such a rush at the possibility of characters coming back.”

Guess we'll have to wait until the trailers hit in the run up to the release of Jurassic World sequel on June 22, 2018 to see if any of our favorite characters return or not?

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