Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic World 2 movie news roundup and re-cap!

Scified2016-07-28 15:49:28https://www.scified.com/articles/jurassic-world-2-movie-news-roundup-and-re-cap-66.jpg
Written by Chris8,858 Reads4 Comments2016-07-28 15:49:28

With Comic-Con having passed, it's time to get caught up on some of the Jurassic World news that may have been buried by the spotlight-stealing headliner stories coming out of SDCC.

Besides Mondo's (incredible) new collectible poster which they debuted at the convention, a Production Designer has been brought on for Antonio Beyona's Jurassic World sequel! Andy Nicholson, who is known for his work on such films as Gravity and Captain America: The First Avenger will be acting Production Designer for Jurassic World 2.

Not only that, but our friends over at Jurassic Outpost received word that Jurassic World 2 is currently eyeing Wales as one of the many possible filming destinations!

To re-cap as well, cameras for Jurassic World 2 will begin rolling on February 27th in Hawaii. Both Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard will be reprising their respective roles as Owen and Claire.

The official plot synopsis for Jurassic World 2 remains a mystery, but from previous interviews with producer Colin Trevorrow, we know the film will touch on the immersion of Dinosaur and Human civilizations - our best guess so far would be that InGen and/or rival companies like BioSyn deploy Dinosaurs in a military setting, but as always, life finds a way and Mankind is faced with their own extinction.

As new details arrive, we'll be sure to keep you updated!

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Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJul-29-2016 1:26 AM

Hmm...this is most interesting! I am greatly looking forward to seeing what awaits us next year with regards to new information! :)

Gee W

MemberTriceratopsJul-29-2016 11:22 AM

Hmmm, using dinosaurs as military weapons was the stupidest part of JW, totally unrealistic and cartoonish. If they go that route now with the sequel, I fear it is gonna take all the magic out of the franchise. It wasn't the non stop dino action that made these movies so memorable, it was the awe and wonder and the suspense that was built through the slow realization that we weren't in control.

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusJul-30-2016 6:53 AM

^I concur with Gee W


MemberCompsognathusAug-17-2016 10:15 PM

Please, Please  give us some new species and sub species. Some of the Chinese and Australian Dinosaur discoveries will make excellent additions.


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