Jurassic World Movies

(SPOILER) Jurassic World 2: Mosasaur scene teased on film merchandise!

Scified2018-02-03 14:06:13https://www.scified.com/articles/jurassic-world-2-mosasaur-scene-teased-film-merchandise-42.jpg
Written by Chris27,366 Reads1 Comments2018-02-03 14:06:13

The Mosasaur was a brilliant addition to the park in Jurassic World and acted as the film's true savior by delivering the killing blow to the Indominus Rex - saving Blue and the T-Rex from anymore fighting. Next to the Indominus Rex, the Mosasaur really stood out as one of the franchise's new icons and it appears it will be making a return in the sequel, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom!

Before continuing, please be advised the following image does contain a mild SPOILER for Jurassic World 2...

Merchandizing for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom has begun to surface online and although most outlets have not noticed, we could not help but share...

The following image showcases the Mosasaur leaping out of the water, aiming for a Helicopter transporting someone on a deployable ladder. We can confirm this scene's authenticity as during filming for Fallen Kingdom, there was a night time scene involving a Helicopter rescue mission. The image basically shows us that during this rescue, the Mosasaur will attempt to snatch the people dangling on the end of that ladder - AWESOME!

New TV spots for Jurassic World 2 Fallen Kingdom will begin tomorrow during the Super Bowl. Be sure to check back here for when they're online!

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I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusFeb-03-2018 3:10 PM

Don't understand how it's alive. Pretty sure it would've starved since there was nobody to feed it.

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